Bella's P.O.V
I slam my head against the headrest of the seat and groan, not too loudly because Ella is in the back sleeping. My fists are gripping the steering wheel so tightly my knuckles are turning white. I have so much anger and so much sadness rising inside me, I can burst. I want to cry, wail and punch the living shit out of him. How could he do this? We were best friends, I trusted him above anyone else... Why, Edward? Why?
* * * Hours Earlier * * *
Edward has been acting weird lately. I can't really can't put my finger on it. He's a little distant, hesitant, his smiles look forced. It's been days now and it worries because we were just in this blissful time of our relationship. It scares me, a lot. I've tried asking him, but every time I say his name and he looks at me, I shut my mouth and say nothing.
He's spending most of the time with Ella. He gets up to feed her from the bottle in the middle of the night, he changes her, bathes her, talks to her, tells her how much he loves her... I count with my fingers how many times have I bathed her the last five days and I count one. His kisses are tensed, like he's scared and we went from the can't keep our hands off each other to five miles apart in five days. It's silently killing me.
I walk in the living room, filled with purpose. I want to know what the hell is up his ass that makes him act so distant.
Just as I turn in the living room, I see him walking around with Ella in his arms. He doesn't pay much attention to me, maybe because he hasn't noticed me because his sole focus is one Ella. He's talking to her so softly, I can barely hear him... Barely, but I catch the main part.
"... When Mommy told me you were coming I was very happy, I thought my chest was gonna burst. You see, I have been in love with Mommy for years but I was afraid of putting myself out there in the fear of being rejected. But then Mommy said she had you in her tummy and it made me very happy. It made all my dreams come true. I love you, baby girl. I love you more than anything and I promise I will always be there for you, no matter what. I want to be your hero, I want you to be proud of me." He leans down and kisses her head. "I want to be the best father I can be for you."
His words scared me for some reason. I clear my throat, calling his attention. He looks at me surprised, but says nothing. Instead he gives me one of his forced smiles and continues walking around with Ella.
He looks at me.
"What's wrong?" No answer. Nothing. "You've been... Distant. Odd. Is something wrong? Did something happen?"
Edward still says nothing. He sits down on the couch and nods to the open space beside him. I walk to him hesitantly and take a seat. He keeps his focus on our sleeping daughter in his arms and sighs.
"I... I've been debating on whether or not to tell you something that happened over a year ago..."
My heart stops. "Um... Okay? Is it something bad?"
Of course it is, Bella. If it wasn't he wouldn't be debating it.
He sighs again. "It's not terrible. It's not like I committed murder or anything."
He looks at me. "It's not fair."
"What isn't?"
"No, Bella. I'm saying what I did... It wasn't fair... To you."
Oh God, I think my heart stopped.

The Little Unexpected Things
FanfictionBella's life is about to take a major turn and not in an easy way. With eager friends and a clueless partner in crime, she must come up with a game plan with backup plans from A to Z. Her life will never be the same. How can she cope becoming a youn...