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Hey guys..I hope you like this new update. I prefer you read prince jerk chapter before you read this one..

As we came near to the beautiful town of BARELI, We could see a beautiful valley, covered with green fields, surrounded by mountains, rays of sunshine showering onto the valley in between the mountains, river flowing in between irrigating the fields, there were paddy Fields as far as one can see. We sat there and enjoyed the cool breeze from the valley for some time and walked down to the valley through the curved roads.

 We sat there and enjoyed the cool breeze from the valley for some time and walked down to the valley through the curved roads

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Bareli was a beautiful town. I was walking through the muddy pathway between the paddy Fields breathing in the fresh cool air waving from the green fields, I never saw that much greenery, it was very beautiful, Adi was running very easily on that muddy paths but I had to take every step very carefully as I was not much used to it. Even rustum was walking behind Adi easily.

Adi was teasing me to catch him, he was running so easily on those narrow pathways

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Adi was teasing me to catch him, he was running so easily on those narrow pathways. I tried to catch up and started running after him..stupid me..I slipped my foot and fell into the small canal irrigating the near by field. I was all wet, dirty and got stuck in mud so deep that I couldn't get out. Adi tried to get me up but he was not strong enough to pull me out.

A young lady was walking in the same path, saw us struggling in the canal. she came to our rescue and pulled me out. I could see Adi controlling his laughter looking at me. It was so embarassing. That lady was a very nice woman she offered us that their home was nearby and I could get cleaned up there. So we followed her to her home, it was a medium sized simple house with a very large hall a few small bedrooms and a large kitchen.

There was a cattle shed behind the house with a garden of vegetables, they must be using those vegetable for their household.

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