38. AHH..OH

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Hey guys, speaking of the war sequence it started with divya's elephant attack on day one and ended with shaurya taking over the kingdom of Magadh on the third day. Even though I wrote that in many chapters, I just wanted to state that everything happened very quickly for our lead characters and they are behaving like this because its shocking life changing in their life and they are still trying to embrace it and figuring out where they stand in their life and what they want or expect from the universe.



I woke up and he wasn't there. I picked up the ring he threw in the fire the other night. I rubbed off the soot on it 'The fire can cover your love with soot but it cannot burn down the love just like it failed to burn down this ring, shaurya'. I preserved the ring along with the king's mark he gave me in my bag.

I looked around, he might have gone somewhere near, the horse was still here. After some time he came back from the forest and started clearing the burnt out fire sticks to lose our trace if anyone were to follow us. He must have gone to freshen up.

I stood behind him " You need the medicine, come here I will help you " I said taking out the ointment.

" I don't need your help "

" Don't be stubborn. I am sorry for what happened, I should have been more careful. I am really sorry. Now please let me apply the medicine "

" Stop apologizing " he said softly sighing out. I gently placed my hand over his shoulder " Please let me help you. " He took off his shirt and sat down, I applied the medicine over his back carefully. He went back to finishing his work when I was done applying.

" Shaurya, umm, your majesty, what if I say yes I mean, what if I want to come with you and be your queen, then what, will you still be angry and distant with me ? " I asked placing my things back in my bag.

He gave me a sharp look. " A girl got to know what she is getting into. Its about my life security, you know! " I mumbled childishly.

He took a deep breath and sighed " Yes, if you want to accept the marriage I will take you as the queen of kaling but " there was a pause , a long one.

" I will never accept you as my wife. So, it would be very foolish of you to walk along that path. "

" Your queen but not your wife. What is the difference? "

" You will know " he said sternly.

Come on cool down kingie.

" Hey, even if I am just your queen you would have to fulfill some duties as a king ! "

" Like? "

I didn't expect him to actually ask me back, I thought he would make some snide comments and leave it. I had to make up something quick to tell him, I remembered what Riya said about being a perfect wife and blurted those lines in a different way

" A king must help his queen in her initiatives " I said praying my luck.

" Hmm, If they are good, I will " he answered tying the bags on to the horse.

We started walking back to the trail and I followed him.

I was surprised to hear a positive response so I continued " A king should exchange advise like a minister with his queen "

" Sure why not, I could use a smart head like yours " he walked with a faster pace and I took quick steps to keep up with him.

" A king should provide his queen with all needs like food, shelter "

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