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Hey guys, as I promised,a quick update and it's shaurya's pov


After hearing the harsh rejection from divvu, I packed my things and started back to my palace. When I was coming here, I had an incident in a small town, a kid took me to a brothel. I hate that kind of places and was so angry that he took me there. I ordered my soldiers to shut down that place. The king there didn't like my authority in his kingdom and made the mistake of his life to challenge me. I received the luring message of him to fight a war. I was already in a bad mood and this stupid king have no idea whom he was going against.

That kingdom was on my way to kaling so I had decided to make a quick stop there. I warned him twice not to fight me but he wouldn't listen. On the war field he blabbered about divvu so much that my blood boiled and I lost my control. I killed him on the spot without giving it a second thought. I made a mistake in killing him. I should have cut off his tongue and tortured him until he apologized and begged for his own death. I couldn't control my anger and that's why I charged against the whole army. I believed in my people that they would follow me to the war and into the grave without any doubt.

After the war, I needed some peace of mind and wanted to be alone for a while, so I rode off into the forest. There was a river flowing and I washed myself. I sat down leaning on to a tree, I started thinking about divvu, I was dreaming that I went back to her, asked her and was forcing her to marry me, she shouted back at me SHAURYAAA... I opened my eyes because I heard her voice and a man was attacking me with a sword, I escaped his sword blow, defended myself and finally killed him. I looked around, there were dead men with swords around, I understood that someone saved my life, I thanked them but there was no reply.

These things happen to me all the time, getting attacked and some secret admirers of mine saving me. I didn't understand why many of them want to remain anonymous. I respected that person's decision and left my ring there so that he/she will come and meet me one day and I could thank them in person.

I went my way with the generals and adjusted the ruling in that kingdom by appointing one of my general as the warden of that kingdom. I got news from my spies that my minister left the capital and travelled to some place else. How could he be so irresponsible? He should be the one looking after the needs of my people in my absence. What was that so important he left the administration like that? I was really angry with him for his stupid act... I went to take some rest in my tent.

My minister entered my tent when I was changing my dress. He lectured me about going into war with few men. I asked him indirectly how he reached here so quick. As soon as I heard KARTHIKA'S name, I got so angry and frustrated. I loved that women since the time I knew what love was and she rejected me on my face without even giving me a chance that too for a guard. I shouted at him not to meet her or utter her name around me. I had a feeling that he is betraying me and someday is going to hurt me, That's why I didn't want him to know about my love towards divvu. He is highly intelligent, so until we both get married I don't want anybody to know about my love because everybody is thinking that she is my weakness. But how could that fools understand that when she is beside me holding my hand, she is my STRENGTH. I signed him to go out as I needed to be alone.

I stood before the mirror thinking about karthika. Whenever I think about her, I remember the time she came into my bathroom and talked to me, that cute little angel that aimed love arrow to my heart. When I finally met her, she rejected me, I didn't even remember her face when she grew up because I saw her only once she was turning the opposite side when she was bashing my heart with her bitter words. When I hear the word LOVE, the picture of that small angel forms in front my eyes. I loved her so much but I forgot her the minute I saw divvu's picture, I got so attracted to divvu and I felt a deep connection with her, that's why I went to meet her.

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