22. First night🌙

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Hey guys, I'm back with a new update..


I woke up from the swing early in the morning and freshened up. I went to Lathika to see if there was anything I could help her with. She cleaned all the house and decorated it with flowers for the king's arrival. Karunya was helping her and they were both doing a great job. They asked what I would do? I sent adi to play with the kids and told him to stay away from the house all day as he was so afraid of shaurya.

I dressed up like a servant in their house and covered my face with pallu (end of my saree). I decided to stay unknown but I wanted to observe shaurya to see how he behaves. If I stand before him as Divya he would definitely take me with him because of the stunt I did the last time we met and I was also kind of shy to stand in front of him. We waited for his arrival and I was thinking he is always late. But this time he came on time along with a few members of his council. They all sat down along with karunya in a circle and started their political discussions.

Shaurya was silent with his serious look. Lathika and I served them with some hot tea and some snacks. All of them were talking at the pros and cons of the merging and terms to be laid out in the treaty. After they are done, we made arrangements for lunch. Shaurya sat down with the same serious face, I was like come on man, give me that smile, why are you like that. I want to see you smile shaurya, please smile for me darling...

Lathika was doing all the serving and work, I stood in a corner and was ogling at shaurya and watching his every movement, waiting for him to smile. He was busy looking at lathika, what the...his eyes were following her wherever she went..this started to annoy me, what was he doing looking at her? Lathika was serving him, he looked at her "You shouldn't be doing all this work in this condition. Well what can you do with a lazy servant just standing in a corner and watch her pregnant queen do all the work."

Everybody gasped at what shaurya said and looked at him for explanation. Lathika exclaimed "pregnant, me!!??" Shaurya said "oh you are... You didn't know it yet. The way you are going to backward to vomit for every 30 minutes, the way you are licking the mangoes secretly in the kitchen in between your chores, the glow in your face and the extra sweetness you added to this cranberry sauce, it's so obvious that you are pregnant. Congratulations, karunya, this is a better reason to celebrate."

Lathika was feeling shy, stood beside karunya holding his hand and nodding her head that she was pregnant and was about to see the doctor before confirming. One of the idiot said "but they were married only for a month" shaurya smirked "that's their personals. Congrats to both of you again." Shaurya turned to me and shouted at me "you, lady, yeah you, will you now do the work for which you are getting paid for!? Give your queen some rest and do your job."

Arrogant jerky...I went and served lunch according to everyone's wish. Finally shaurya asked for more curd and I started serving him. I was looking at him closely, waiting to see him smile, I was negligent and spilled some curd on his clothes. He immediately stood up and shouted "stupid woman.. you don't know how to even serve? Why do you people encourage these kinds of lazy bums? If they are incompetent just fire them, Don't waste your money on these type of people."

Tears piled in my eyes watching him get so angry and shout at me like that. You are so mean shaurya, so mean... I went outside into the garden without apologizing to him. It was just a simple mistake, there was no need to shout at me like that. He was shouting at me again "Now where are you going? Come back here..who is going to clean this mess..come back.. " I didn't turn back just went off into the garden giving a deaf ear to his scoldings.

In the afternoon shaurya sat with karunya in the garden but after a few minutes he told him to spend time with his wife and sent him away. I was cleaning the dining hall, shaurya came by "well, well look who has come back to do her job. The great..wait what's your name? Whatever, I don't care.. you better apologize to me for your behaviour earlier. It's not a good thing to have bad terms with me. Come on now,on your knees and say that you are sorry."

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