chapter one

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Love/Hate relationship

The shallow breaths of her self was the only thing Uraraka heard as she stared into the darkness of her room.

Honesty, she was waiting on a text as if it where a text containing a  scholarship possibility. Yet the text was only supposed to contain a yes or no answer and it was someone without the skill to give such a thing out.

It was going to come from a boy with wild hair and a strange attitude.

She wasn't waiting on a text from Deku,

No, She was waiting on one from Bakugo.

"How did this happen?" The young girl groaned as her mind raced through what happened in the last five hours.


"Bye Deku!" Uraraka waved excitedly and ran off with a smile on her face. It was the first snow of the year yet she had only one thing on her mind, Deku.

She passed Bakugo without a second thought, she did such everyday but it was fine. He didn't notice either he had a certain person on his mind as well, and can you guess who.

Fucking deku.

"Why is he always smiling like a dork, he realizes that the world is fucked right?" The boy thought as he fixed his muffler. His eyes went to wonder his surroundings when they landed on Uraraka who was a blushing mess due to conversations of the earlier day running in her mind.

"Why does that girl seem so hung-up over him as well? He's a fucking idiot who's never going to achieve a thing. Why he has the nickname Deku in the first place." Bakugo's pace got slower once he saw a boy with short cut white hair and green eyes run to Uraraka.

"What the hell?" His thoughts wondered who this mystery boy was, an old classmate maybe? Or perhaps her ex of some sort?

He wasn't thinking if he could cause harm to her, for in his mind she is forever labeled as un-fragile

He stood there clueless but Ochaco Uraraka knew exactly what was going on. The boys name was Fuze Hakai, not necessarily and ex if it wasn't all that serious.

"Ochaco!" Fuze was gasping for breath, as if he saw her from a mile away and ran to her. "I have been trying to get ahold of you!"

Uraraka narrowed her eyes and asked "why?" A simple question really, she wanted to know why this boy liked her so much when after one day she hasn't replied to him for a month.

"Because I love you Ochaco." His snake like eyes smiled with him as his face grew from the sickly pale it was to a light red.

"Am I watching a drama or something?" Bakugo thought as he sipped from a drink that he bought from school. "Watch anti-gravity chick is going to blush and accept his love or something."

There was no blush, not awe on the usually bashful girls face, infact the seemed mad over all. "Listen Hakai, don't use my first name we aren't close what's so ever. We only fucked. No big deal I did the same thing to your brother. You don't love me, we haven't even talked for an hour. You don't know love." She had a dangerous tone to her voice but her actions weren't the part we should focus on, after all Bakugo heard that all.

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