Chapter eleven

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It was a week after Christmas and Bakugou was still internally yelling at himself for even thinking of kissing Uraraka. "Idiot." Bakugou said to himself as he stared at his ceiling.

"Fucking stupid, idiot, idiot, IDIOT! F U C K" The blonde boy threw a pellet over his face and screamed- internally grateful about the sound proofing his parents got him for Christmas.

"Wow, so I wanna know?" A too familiar voice said.

Bakugou sat up to see his red headed friend and rolled his eyes, "Don't get me started. Why are you here?" 'King explosion murder' slowly turned pink, hoping that the boy before him wasn't making assumptions.

"Uh I'm supposed to kidnap you but," Kirishima jumped on the bed next to Bakugou and looked at him "I'm way more interested in why your yelling to yourself."

The other boy looked at the red head "kidnap?"

Kirishima laid down and huffed "for this party that I know you wouldn't go to unless someone forced you to."

Bakugou looked at him and thought of the lecture that left him in the situation with round face. "If all the bad you do cancels out the good then are you really a hero?" Bakugou sighed and figured she meant it as a friend thing too. "Who's party?"

The other boy flashed his sharp teeth and replied, "Minas"

Bakugou sat up and grabbed some clothes, he put on some kaki pants and a black button up shirt. He turned to Kirishima to see him looking out the window. "What are you staring at?"Bakugou asked as he looked out there too, the most interesting thing out there was this cat that was curled up in a jacket that was thrown out.

"Nun, it just felt weird if I watched you get dressed." Kirishimas voice was softer than usual.

"Makes since. Let's go." Kirishima looked at Bakugou and knitted his eyebrows,

"No arguments, complaining or anything?"


"You sure?"


"Feeling alright Bakugou?"


Kirishima stood up and felt the blond boys head only to shrug. "I guess you aren't running a fever but I'm watching you"

The two boys made their way outside and into a taxi- of which Bakugou wished he would've thought about on Christmas.

They reached Minas house in peace and stood out of the door before Kirishima checked on the blonde boy again. "Are you sure your okay?"

Bakugou took note on how worried he looked and wanted to snort, he was so worried about him because he was being nice.

"I'm ok shitty teeth. Stop worrying, I'm just trying an experiment." Bakugou ruffled the red heads hair and walked through the door and into a room full of intoxicated teens.

"I shouldn't be shocked." He muttered and walked further through the room. All of the kids where strangers to him but he turned around to see Kirishima smiling at them and starting conversation. "I forgot that Mina and him went to the same school."

Bakugou just made his way through the crowds in hoops that he would find some familiar faces because Kirishima was talking to some girls and but the way they where playing with their hair Bakugou already knew that he would hate them.

That's when he saw her.

It seemed like she was doing the same thing as him, awkwardly eye surfing the crowd. The girl had her hair in two bun like things and a weird smile on her face. While for some reason she looked familiar he walked over to her because hell, she was decent looking and not Uraraka.

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