chapter two

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Bakugo had been lectured by Shi-no toki, the old lady earlier that day. Making him not post Uraraka and his messages all over his social media accounts. You could call it, a coming down to earth kind of thing.

[Flashback start]

"Yeah so I guess, she hoed around or something now she doesn't wanna be known as the girl who sleeps with everyone so she acts sweet." Bakugo explained once he told Toki the story of that afternoon. His mind has yet wrapped around the fact that Dekus little girlfriend wasn't even a virgin. And he has been over here thinking that she was a goodie-two shoes this whole time.

"ding!" His phone went off in his pocket and both him along with Toki glanced at the phone, followed by Bakugo picking it up. "Guess it's her." His thumbs flied across the screen as he he typed a reply to the waiting girl.

"If she says don't call me that or something then its her." Concluded Bakugo as he sent "Sup brother fucker."

"Bingo" His hands moved once again, getting to the point.

"She should be typing the story now, Toks." His ruby red eyes glanced up at her soft green ones. Bakugo still remembers the first time he locked eyes with that woman, his exact thoughts.

"Her eyes are a soft washed out green, like a favourite shirt that's been washed too many times."

In his opinion it had always made her look more wise but youthful, yet she has always told him that if she got to choose, she would want red eyes.

Right now her pale green eyes where full of curiosity. "Bakugo, why do you want to be a hero?" His lips parted as he began to say a reason while all that passed his mind was why she was so random. "I want to help people." She shook her head once that escaped the boys lips.

"If you want to help people then why do you do suck bad?"

"I do good too-"

"Why do you think that all thr good you do counts for something when you do so match bad that it cancels out the good. Do more good then bad, be more dependent and it wouldn't kill you to smile more. Learn to be a real hero." Bokugou could have sworn that her soft,pale eyes turned glowing green for a moment while she spoke those words. The words she did speak hit him personally for he knew he didn't act much of a hero.

They say in un-nerving silence until his phone finally went off again. He read over the words that Uraraka sent him. He looked back up at the elder lady his was visiting then back at his phone. She had that glow in her eyes again, as if anyone emerald was set on fire and replaced her usual.

Then it occured to him, this is a start to being considered 'good'.

"Meet me at O'rallys street." His thumbs slow spelled out and before he hit send, his crimson eyes hovered up to see Toki once again and this time she had a faint smile drawn on her sickly pale face.

"Go, its already 7:30, I need my beauty rest." Shi-no Toki's faint voice wad the last words she said to him.

For that day at least.

[Flashback end]

Bakugo made his way to the neighborhood that he has lived in since birth. Yet instead of turning to go into the driveway of his corner house the boy stood by the street sign.

"Where is she?" His mind wondered while he looked at his clock for the ninth time in five minutes. "I told her to come 20 minutes ago."

Bakugou could see his breath, as if he was releasing smoke. Thinking back at it he remembered the days he was friends with the damn nerd Deku, and how he would say that his father could breath fire so he hoped his quirk was the same.

That was. . .
Now that Deku was best friends with that half and half bastard.

But then again- that was so far in the day that Bakugo did call him Izuku instead of Deku and he didn't have a quirk but now he does.

"So much has fucking changed." Bakugou breathed. "Who are you talking to?" A silvery voice asked. "None of your business." He looked down to face the girl he called to that spot. "So, is that thing where you and Deku flirt continuously just where you can get into his pants?" Like usual the explosive boy gets straight o the point.

"No, I can't even began to imagine that. He's to. . . well Deku to do that to." Her eyes where wide and her vold hands stayed in the pockets of her black over coat.

"Do you want to be with him?" Bakugo shifted his weight needing an answer before he could start his new found good streak. In which he personally promised himself to have.

"I want to be with Deku."

"Good, then I'll help."

Bakugou turned and made a signal to follow him into huge house among them. "Here to this room." Bakugo led her into his spotless room. "Whoa, this is cleaner than my room." Uraraka wondered out loud while her hair bobbed back and forth with her swaying head. "Yeah, I rage clean." He said-shockingly in a quiet voice.

"So wanna do it now or. . ." Uraraka started taking off her jacket, then un-doing her buttons and Bakugo looked at her disgusted. "You think I wanna fuck you? Sorry Angel face but no thanks." He snorted and. walked to a book shelf in the room.

"Then why did you bring me in here?" She slipped her jacket back on, then slowly stepped to where the tall boy was standing.

"I said I would help right?" Bokugou finally grabbed a notebook from the collection on his shelf with the cover reading "Plans for world domination".

He flipped through the pages to make sure it was empty and sat on his bed then glanced at Uraraka. "You can sit you know?" His glance went back to the book while he wrote in his neat hand writing "operation broccoli"

"Really?" Uraraka took seat next to him and glared. "What? You're telling me that you've never thought that?"Bakugo smirked and then flipped the page to the second blank.

"The goal is for you and that nerd to get together without knowing right?" His glance once again flickered to Uraraka and her big brown eyes.

"They look like dirt." He thought before she answered.

"What do you think Deku would say?" her dirt brown eyes shifted down.

"Honestly, I don't even know because Angel face, that scrub is unpredictable." His head went back to think about how Deku was the quirkless loser but now he has a quirk (the poster part hasn't changed)

Uraraka stood from her spot and looked at the blonde boy before her.
"Hey Bakugo, why are you being so nice?"

"A change in heart.Yet mainly none of you fucking business. I can expose you right here and now, but I'm not. Have you ever considered that I may do some good too?" His ruby eyes narrowed and he stood where him and Uraraka where inches apart.

"Come on, its getting late. I'm walking you home." He had more of demanded then suggested then walked out of the room with a look that could kill on his face.

chapter two

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