Chapter ten

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𝓑𝓾𝓽 𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸

Bakugou wouldn't stop teasing Uraraka about Deku until she had broken four plates and perhaps shoved a hot chocolate packet into the blonde boys mouth.

"All I'm saying is that it's so clear that he likes you." Bakugou shouted from the other end of the house- just before he gargled his mouth out with mouthwash. Turns out that pure coco powder tasted like shit.

"How? All he did was kiss my cheek friends do that all the time." Uraraka was sitting on the couch watching cringy romance Christmas movies, eating a family sized bag of chips by herself.

"It's Deku we are talking about here," Bakugou jumped on the couch beside her and swung his legs on her "and besides he was clearly jealous. Do you think mister "everybody should get along!" Would get jealous over us being friends? No."

"I dunno I mean he may just have the hots for you." Uraraka shoved another chip in her mouth.

"Why would he kiss you if that idiot liked me?" Bakugou shifted so he could grab some of Urarakas drink from the coffee table in-front of them.

"He makes me fall for him, crushes my heart, acts like I dumped him and is heartbroken, then you console him like," Urarakas voice was calm and steady until she added up with a grouchy, gravelly, deep voice "It's ok Deku I've got you. You don't need a woman you need me."

"You suck at impressions." Bakugou rolled his eyes and looked away to smile.

"You just smiled," Uraraka stared in awe. "Best Christmas present ever."

Bakugou stood up and lost his smile, "I will murder you."

They both kind of stood there before the two of them bursted out laughing. "I'd like to see you try." Uraraka said in between giggles. She took a moment to take in his face how happy 'king explosion murder' was.

"Wanna bet?" Bakugou looked up to her to see how red her face was from laughing.

At that moment they had an unspoken promise, what happened here nobody should know what happened just then.

All was good, all was well. Until the door started to jingle.

"Shit." Both of the teens said at the same time and Bakugou suddenly activated James Bond mode.

The door opened at Urarakas parents started to come in. "Hey hon." A male voice said, which Bakugou was hoping was her father and not a daddy.

"Hi dad." Uraraka sighedand gave the two hugs, keeping the Christmas tree in the corner of the room in sight the whole time.

Her dad must've caught sight because he walked towards it and asked, "Should I put up the tree now huh?" He asked as he went to the tree but Uraraka interrupted him.

"NO!"Every eye in the room turned to her and she turned red. "I mean, it's still Christmas dad you can't just put up the tree. That's not how it works!" She fumbled with her words and Bakugou mentally facepalmed.

Her mom slowly looked a Uraraka with a sly smirk and looked at her husband. "Sweetheart hop in the shower, I'll join you in a minute. Let me get Ochako in bed."

The man hesitated for a minute but then smiled at Uraraka, "goodnight baby girl." He went upstairs.

The mom looked at Uraraka dead serious now. "Who's behind that tree?"

"Uh well you see-" Uraraka Ochako was interrupted by Bakugou walking out from behind the tree

"Hi miss.Uraraka how's Christmas?"

The woman looked at the blonde boy and cracked a smile. "Should've figured. Now scram before her dad comes back." Bakugou nodded and headed out the door before Uraraka yelled for him to wait and ran over to Bakugou by the door.

"You don't even have a shirt on you idiot." Uraraka handed him his dry shirt and helped him put his jacket on then handed him a to go cup.

"What's this? Poison in a cup?" Bakugou joked but Uraraka rolled her eyes.

"Peppermint hot chocolate to go." She smiled that special smile of hers that always made her cheeks bigger than they really where.

Bakugou stood there, no knowing if he should thank her or just scoff that the yeti cup in his hands was probably a lot of money to her family. The boy couldn't help but being a dick and doing what Deku did just to confuse her.

He just looked at her, the fact that she's probably freezing being almost outside in the little shirt she had on. He leaned in and put his mouth on the side of her face.

"Merry Christmas Ochako Uraraka, thank you."

He whispered in her ear and walked away quickly because he already knew he wasn't gong to kiss her to confuse her or to get to Deku, he wanted to and there was no alternative motive for it.

That terrified him.

AN: hiyo! It's me and I would like to point out my name was saiko before the new BNHA movie came out. Just saying I'm the original 👀 but anyways we are so close to 1000 readers! I already got an idea set for the chapter, but I can't make the main duo cannon yet now can I? They haven't suffered enough so just be prepared for a shock and for my second fave ship 😂

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