Chapter five

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A tad of a fight.

"perhaps." Uraraka gave an evil smirk before taking a sip out of her drink.

This was replied with Bakugou groaning and sat in the free chair only to snatch Uraraka's drink and have some as well.

"I paid for that you know." Uraraka glared at the drink thief.

"So? This is my favorite flavor," The blonde smiled at her and hurriedly put the cup out of the girls reach when she went to grab it back. "Must suck being short."

"Oh really?" Uraraka looked at him like he was an idiot- which fit his wordings there.

"What?" He sewed his eyebrows together at her.

"He isn't the brightest cookie of the bunch." Uraraka thought as she started floating and grabbed the drink from him.

"Anti-Gravity, remember?" Uraraka snickered as she held the drink.

"Oh yeah. I didn't bother to remember," Bakugou dimly spoke but then narrowed his eyes. "Hey sweetheart, we need to go. Now."

This was followed by Uraraka's confusion and Bakugou dragging her away. "Why!?" Uraraka yelled at the boy as she snatched her hand away from his.

"I saw a certain green haired boy who would get the wrong idea if he saw us two together." Bakugou snapped back at her.

"I'm sure he would understand-" Uraraka started only to be cut off by Bakugou.

"Yeah understand why we suddenly became so close to hanging out in general- not to mention out of school. What would we tell him, huh?" He waved his hands around. "That I over heard you and your ex-fuck buddy -slash - ex-fuck buddy's brother? That your a whore and want to keep it from him since your so 'in love' with him? Or that your personality around him is COMPLETELY different than when he isn't here? Which lie Uraraka? I would love to tell him."

The only thing that pissed Bakugou off more than Deku himself was when people raised him to a higher pedestal than he needed to be. "Deku isn't mr.perfect and he doesn't get some things and sex surly is one of those things." Bakugou mentally ranted.

"You know what. Your an asshole." Uraraka said weakly.

"That's not the worse I've been called Angel face." Bakugou smirked as he looked over to her. "Hey why are you crying?"

But by time he finished his sentence the girl was gone.

"Shit." Bakugou ran off to find her.


Sorry for this one being so short!!!
Thanks for reading!

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