Chapter seven

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𝑀𝑒𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒞𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓈

The next few days passed by without event. Like most vacation days the two mainly watched Netflix and slept.

The only way they really communicated was through Snapchat streaks.

Then Christmas finally came. Uraraka was already awake in her bed by six- wondering what time would be a good time to wake up her parents. She slipped out of her bed and silently and tiptoed to the living room.

She smiled at the sight she had when she got downstairs. Her mom and dad where asleep on the couch with hot chocolate mustaches still on their faces.

"Mom, dad wake up." She whispered to them as their eyes fluttered open.

"Merry Christmas my little hero." Uraraka's dad smiled at her, he's been calling her that ever since the day she was accepted into UA.

"Wake up guys. I wanna open presents!" She jumped on the two as they groaned.

[Meanwhile in the Bakugou house.]

"Morning Mom" Bakugou Katsuki grunted as he took a seat next to her on the couch. The blonde boy looked over her shoulder to see what she was doing on her phone.

"What'cha you doing?" He questioned squinting his eyes at her phone, slowly getting closer to it.

"Texting Inko, Izuku says "Merry Christmas." by the way," Mitsuki smiled at her son and then added, "Oh and honey, later on, tonight I and your father have to fly out for a client in Paris. Not necessarily early but at around seven. " Bakugou wasn't shocked, this is quite common. His parents were pretty big in the fashion universe so they went out a lot.

"Alright but bring me something back, nothing lame either." The youngest sighed as he laid down on the couch.

"Would a belt do then?" His father joked as he walked in.

"No. Not again." Katsuki shuddered and laughed "So when are we doing the presents?"

[Would you look at that, a time skip]

Seven eventually came and Bokugou said bye to his parents as they loaded the car. Then he was alone- which coming from any kid was heaven. He payed down and checked his phone, he had three text.

"Merry Christmas Kachan!" He checked Dekus first, just in case it was about him seeing Uraraka and he when the two went shopping. Bakugou rolled his eyes and replied "Have a jolly fucking Christmas."

It had always been a thing that if he didn't say merry Christmas back, Deku would invite him to dinner and Bakugou never had the nerve to say no when Dekus mom asked.

The next was from Kirishima, "Don't burn down your Christmas tree. It's Christmas, go big or go home- burn down the one downtown." Katsuki smirked and his hands flew on the key board. "To late. 🔥"

The last text he was more of expecting Uraraka but instead it was Denki "Have a meo-wy Christ-mouse 🐱 🐭" The explosive teen shook his head in disappointment and replied "I will kill your whole family pikachu."

"Merry Christmas brother fucker" He texted Uraraka and laid down.

[Left Bakugou

Right Uraraka]

"Merry Christmas
brother fucker"

"Merry Christmas
Less impressive Starfire"

"I will end you doll face"

"I'd like to see you try."

"Why are you even
texting back don't you have

"I could say the same
about you, there was an
emergency at the job site
So. Mom and dad had to go"

"My parents had to go to
Paris, fuckin cunts. Could've
brought me. Not like I got to
go to school."

"Did they hurt your
little baby pride?"

"No but I'll hurt your face."

"Dude you should come over"

"Why would I do something
idiotic like that."

"Every one else is
with someone I feel

[text end]

Bakugou sighed and swung his feet off of the couch. "I fucking hate you doll face, just want you to know that." He grumbled as he walked over to the coat rack.

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