chapter three

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The two highschoolers walked side by side in the dark snowy night. "So, Bakugo, why did you have so many empty notebooks?" Bakugos glanced went to the shorter girl beside him. "I like notebooks, keeping record of the things that have happened and shit. I won't be able to set my mind on something until its written set in stone." The explosive boy took faster strides as those words flew from his chapped lips.

"Isn't a notebook obsession kind of girly?" With each word small puffs of smoke came from her mouth, besides it didn't fit his personality.

"Really? I thought hoeing around was mainly popular with guys but you know, fuck gender roles." Bakugo kind of laughed when he said that. Before further thought, no it wasn't a laugh of joy or something you could relate to a summers lullaby, it was a cruel kind of snarled laugh.

"We're here." Uraraka's soft voice noted in front of a small two story house. Just looking at it nearly anyone would tell that from one end of the house to the other would only be around 30 feet. Then again it was only 500$ a month so it was a good deal and the only house that Urarakas family could really afford.

"Well bye I guess, don't get pregnant." Bakugo turned and started to walk away.

"Wait!" Uraraka had yelled to the back of the boys head. "You're not going to tell anyone right?" Bakugo could hear the fear in her voice, the small trembling there was to it, how it sounded throaty.

"I'm not that much of a jackass." He called back, yet never stopped walking in the first place.

"See you tomorrow then, Bakugo!" She smiled and went inside.

"Why did angel face sound happy?" Bakugou smiled to himself as he made his way home.

"Bakugo is kinda different then what I thought." Uraraka thought as she walked though the door of her house.

"Mom I'm home!" She exclaimed once the door was shut. The hero in training prepared herself for the never ending questions.

"Who was the boy~" Her moms voice boomed from the upstairs (from which she was most likely watching the two in the street.)

"Katsuki Bakugo, he is a classmate of mine. I needed some help on the math." Her coat flew off and she jumped on the couch.

"Kats-suu-key?" Her mothers pajama worn body made its way down stairs. "Isn't that the boy you fought during the games and hurt you?"

"Yeah but he really wanted to win and he's even helping me now so its fine. I'm actually glad he didn't go easy on me then. . ." Urarakas voice faltered as she realized things that weren't as clearly before today's run in.

"Bakugo never really cuts people slack, he doesn't go easy on anyone either. As if he is that one obstacle that gives everyone hell but males you level up once you beat. Perhaps he just wants people to know that you can't go no where if you are never giving it your all." Urarakas mind wondered.

(Later on she asked and he asked her if she where on drugs.)

"Are you sure you don't have a crush on him? You fumbled to get dressed before you left." Her mother sat the dinner she had missed in front of her and walked away.

"Oh if she only knew I thought he was going to fuck me." Uraraka dug into her dear food.

The next morning Uraraka woke up with her blaring alarm, just alike most days. She laid in bed and got a slight second she had forgotten about the day before and the things that took place.

She rolled over with a groan to get dressed.

"Bye mom." Uraraka mumbled as she walked out the door. She looked at the pathway and say Bakugo playing basketball with the old basketball hoop she trained with. Her hands rubbed her eyes and when they opened again he wasn't there.

"Oh, I'm just going insane." She thought out loud. "You probably are considering that it's Saturday and you have your school clothes on." Bakugo was next to her now. "It's Saturday?!" She jumped.

"Yeah dumb ass. Why the hell do you think I'm not in uniform?" His eyes narrowed. "Well why the hell are you even here?" She cried.

"Apparently stoping your ass from going to school on a weekend. Now go change because we have a mission." He ordered her and strangely, she listened.

Uraraka walked up saints and stared at her wardrobe.

"Fuck it, I don't care what he thinks after all." Urarakas voice flowed though the empty room and she grabbed Black leggings with a over sized (probably a guys) shirt.

After putting the clothes on the but her short hair in a ponytail/ stub thing. And went downstairs since she left her hoodie there the night before.

"Really?" Her moms laughter was mixed with another. "Yeah! She jumped off a cliff- Nearly giving her mawmaw a heart attack, just to show off her newly found quirk!" She had heard her mom tall that story countless times to countless people.

"I showed my Grandmother by exploding her garden shed." Bakugos voice said.

"BAKUGO WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?!" Uraraka came to the bottom of the stairs to see him and her mom drinking tea as they talk.

"He looked freezing out there and he was there for an hour before you even went out there so I invited him in for some warm drink."Urarakas mom took another sip of her drink while Bakugo held his close to him.

"Why did you wait an hour?" She asked slowly. "I didn't want to be responsible for you getting a cold, for being in the snow in only your uniform to and from school Idiot." He sipped the tea.

"That was stupid." Uraraka smiled, dispite her inner thoughts. "Thanks"

"No problem, just remember that its Saturday next time. Miss.Uraraka it was nice meeting you." Bakugo stood up and walked out of the house.

Of course Urarakas mother had to slip some final words in before Uraraka followed him.

"He's a keeper!"

chapter three

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