Chapter seventeen

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It's Bakugou to me? Why is it to me? After all the secrets we've gathered about one another or the hello kitty blanket he used of mine, or when he came to my house with an army. He was fragile that morning, did it not mean anything to him?

"I thought we where." Urarakas voice was sharp. She was pissed, she was starting to like him and she knew not to take his words to heart but she has considered him a friend since Christmas and it wasn't fair that he didn't see her the same.

"What would make you think that?" What pissed Uraraka off more was the humor and curiosity in his voice, as if he was actually oblivious. She was just happy that the tragic was slowly going along now.

"If we aren't friends then what are we?" She didn't want to say to much in the fear that she will over step somehow, with his attitude, or his deku complex.

"Classmates who just know a lot about each other."

She didn't speak. She just mentally cursed her self out for being such a moron; she was starting to believe he was better than that. That when people talked about his attitude around school that they where wrong. To her he was kind, and caring, he was goofy and snarky but he made her feel good when she needed to he was good.

Uraraka has gotten so lost in her mental rants that by time she finally snapped out of it she was home.

"Bye Uraraka." Bakugou said as she opened the door.

Before she closed it though she looked at his eyes, that had grown on herself as well.

"Classmates don't do the things we do, Katsuki. They just don't."

With that Uraraka went inside and to her bedroom to check out the window and sure enough he was still out there.

She closed her door and laid on her bed, still dressed in her uncomfortable clothing with the makeup Bakugo insisted on, just to cry because that's what one does when their doubts where right.

After an hour or so of crying she finally got up, but only due to the fact that crying gives you and appetite. After she had gotten her some food she walked to the living room where her parents where watching television, after she sat down and looked closely at what they where watching she noticed what the two where watching.

"Did," she paused to swallow her food "did you guys record the games?" The two looked at her and Uraraka could only imagine what she looked like, with makeup now smudged and ran down since she was crying, her wrinkled dress or how puffy her eyes must be.

"Yeah we did honey, what happened on your date with that Midoria boy?" Her dad asked her while he paused to see her completely.

"No, nothing it's not about him." She sat next to her mom and shoved more ramen noodles into her mouth.

"Was it Bakugo?"

Uraraka looked at her mom and mentally begged for her not to go on. It was the mother's touch, if you think you're over it and your mom talks to you about it, your probably not over it because by the first few words you're already crying.

"So it was wasn't it?" Urarakas mom didn't say much more, she just signaled for her husband to turn the t.v back on.

Ochako turned her attention to it, hoping to distract her from the odd feeling of betrayal she was feeling due to Bakugo. Good thing she came at that time though, she came in right before the fight between Kaminari and the girl from 1-b. Seeing his dunce side made her feel better, even if every time she saw Bakugo on screen a pit formed in her stomach.

But then, her fight came on.

Honestly she didn't know what to do, if she should have stayed to watch her and Bakugo duke it out or if she should leave before she has to see him defeat her. She decided to stay, only to watch, it wasn't as if she hadn't seen it on YouTube a million times though, but nonetheless she wanted to watch.

As she watched she thought a thousand things, why did she even care, she knew he wasn't a good person yet she insisted he was, he was a foul mouthed duche and he didn't deserve for her to feel like this over him, why did she think he was a good guy??

"I was so happy." Uraraka finally spoke just as her self on the television lifted the ruble off the ground. Her dad looked at her in confusion but her mom put up one finger as she watched Uraraka.

"Deku had kissed me goodbye and I was so damn happy about it, ya know? I've liked him ever since the entrance exams. I thought he would be too, something to put in 'operation broccoli'" her parents both looked at each other in confusion at that. "He was interested at least."

Uraraka put her noodles down on the table to continue, "Bakugo, he showed me his girly habits he went shopping with me- he could've brought Mina, they're close. But he brought me. He broke in, walked in the pouring snow, just so I wouldn't be alone in Christmas. We joked about Midoria liking him," The girl laughed a dry laugh for a moment there. "But turns out it wasn't Midoria who had the hots for him. I was there for him, when he-"

Her voice faltered as she pushed out all she could. "I was there when he cried. So he should've here for me; even if he was at fault."

Without warning she stood up and wiped her face to look at her mom.

She just muttered  "To hell with him." Then stomped upstairs.

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