Chapter eight

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𝒮𝓊𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓈𝑒 𝓋𝒾𝓈𝒾𝓉!(𝓈)

Uraraka laid down on the floor once Bakugou stopped replying. "Abandon me too, I see how it is." She stared at the ceiling until she got bored and went to the kitchen to make hot chocolate. Uraraka added a candy cane to it to create peppermint hot cocoa, and smiled when she remembered Bakugou saying that peppermint was his favorite.

"Smiling in the dark, by yourself. You okay Angel face?" Uraraka turned around; fully prepared to protect herself. Only to see Katsuki Bakugou sitting on her counter, drinking cocoa from a bendy straw. Meanwhile Bakugou just stared at Uraraka whom had the whole pack of candy canes and a pair of scissors floating around her.

"What are you doing in my house?" Uraraka released all of her floating possessions, the scissors and a candy cane landed in Bakugous drink.

"Apparently getting attacked with candy," He made a face as he removed the scissors from his drink. "And sharp objects- we're lucky that landed in my drink."

"I mean why and when did you get here."
"I climbed through the kitchen window and made something to drink then I heard you so I hid. And what do you mean why you asked me."

Uraraka looked him up and down to realize that he was wet and shivering, "Bakugou it's a forty minute walk from your house to mine." She threw a blanket she disregarded in the dining room earlier that day around him and started to wipe his head off.

"I can do this alone." He grumbled at her but she just ignored him, he didn't stop her anyways.

"Come on, let's get you by the fire at least." He got off the counter and sat on a chair next to the fire bundled in a hello kitty blanket, drinking hot chocolate.

The brown haired girl looked at Bakugou for a snarky remark but was replied with snores. She walked over to him and took the drink from him then took his wet shirt off to clean. "Night, asshole" Uraraka smiled and walked away.

Not anymore than thirty minutes later there was a knock at the door. The hero in training opened the door to see Madoria, Idda, Mina and Toru at her door steps. Well she didn't really SEE the invisible girl but Uraraka knew she was there.

Deku smiled with white snow on his green hair and said "we saw your story and didn't think you should be alone for Christmas." Uraraka smiled at them, that was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for her.

I mean other than Bakugou, he didn't get him mom to pick him up. That boy walked a good while in the snow but that's besides the point.

"Come in, you guys must be cold." The girl was all smiled until she saw Mina raise an eyebrow at her. Uraraka first cocked her head in confusion but quickly caught on when she saw Idda and Madoria staring at the shirtless, hello kitty covered boy on her chair.

"Before anything is said- I can explain." Uraraka but up her hands as all eyes where on her.

"Then start." This time it was the one and only Hagakure talking.

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