Chapter twenty

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Ok so you're probably wondering what the fuck happened to Bakugou, he wasn't so beaten up last time you saw him.

So let's re-wind to when he reached Urarakas house. He was ready, Bakugou was finally going to give up lying and tell her how he felt, how he didn't care that she was different at home and how he loved how she really was.

He was mentally rehearsing his speech when he saw the boy he first met just about a month ago, the guy he had threatened for uraraka when he learned her dirty little secret sneaking through her window.

"Maybe she doesn't know?"

Is what he mentally hoped but he wasn't an idiot, she of course locked her windows ever since the first villain attack on them. So he stood there holding on to his gut wondering why he had that same feeling he always got when Deku surpassed him.

He wanted to hurt something, he wanted to storm up there and cause a scene. Bakugou has so much going through his brain at once. He knew that if he went up there she'd get in trouble, it wasn't his place anyways.

So katsuki turned around and stormed to his car so he could go as fast as he could on the empty back roads that Uraraka lived near. It was fun to him, he kinda got that thrill he did when he fought but it wasn't so fun when he didn't see the sharp turn coming up and drove straight off the street.

He slowed the car down before impact but he still hit a tree going a good sixty miles an hour. He was lucky that he was only bruised instead of dead or something. His grandma was the one who busted his lip. She smacked him and said that he could've died, which scared him since she wasn't very violent to him.

But he was stupid and he knew it.

But that's besides the point. Back to the OG story line.

Uraraka started up at him, she was furious but worried. "What the fuck did he do yesterday?"

She just stared for what seemed like hours, ignoring the drink on her face. She didn't know what to say, she just wanted to cry and beat him but she couldn't even speak.

Bakugou looked around then at her desk.
"Look, I'm not good at this whole apologizing thing. The only time I really have was when mom forced me to say sorry to that damn nerd-" his eyes dashed to hers real quick and he focused on the desk again. "But uh, I'm sorry. I really am. I don't know what cane over me, I'm happy for you, you got that kiss. You are incredible, and I'm so happy that you're my friend Ochako. I'm sorry."

Uraraka stood there staring at him and broke into a smile "I want you to know I'm still mad but I can't help but to smile, you finally called me by my first name."

Bakugous face broke into a smile too and the two stood there giggling so hard that they didn't even see Izuku walk pass the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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