Chapter Six

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Deku, fixing Bakugou mistakes since time itself.

Uraraka ran away from Bakugou.

"Fucking jerk. Doesn't even know when not to put his two-cents in." She muttered as she stormed out of the mall and back into the snow.

He was saying all of those things as if she didn't know it herself. She knew she was a whore- and that Deku wouldn't like that. Yet to her the personality thing was going to far. Uraraka knew she did act a little different, yeah, all girls do around their crushes.

Yet the way she is with Deku isn't an act, it's more than that. That's how she wants to be. A cute, bubbly girl. Not the way she actually was.

"She's a bombshell blonde, wired to detonate." Her phone rang, Uraraka already knew what the contact way by the ringtone. Her finger slid across the regect button.

Then again "A bombshell blonde high explosive dynamite"

"I WILL BLOCK YOU KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" She yelled at her phone.

"Why is Kachan calling you?" A sweet voice said from behind Uraraka. She turned to see the certain green haired boy her and Bakugou where talking about earlier. "More importantly why is that his ringtone?"

"Ah well, Deku what are you doing here?" Uraraka smiled at him, in a desperate attempt to change the topic of conversation. He looked at her and cocked his head slightly only to continue.

"Christmas is soon, I'm doing some last-minute shopping then I saw you run out of the mall door and I kind of followed you," At the last part of his statement Deku knitted his eyebrows and added with a slight blush. "That sounds stalkerish, huh?"

"No, no, no! I completely understand. I would've done the same too! Actually I was here shopping too when I bumped into Bakugou looking troubled so I commented about it and he got angry so I ran off. I guess he's calling to tell at me." Uraraka laughed while having her hands around frantically in explanation. The brown haired girl accidentally let the Bakugou lie slip out.

"Oh so that's why you two where together!" Deku sounded relived when he said such and laughed then walked closer to her. "Kachan can be rough sometimes but I'm sure he wouldn't hurt you for giving him advise, Uraraka-chan."

Deku turned around and started walking away after those few words. "I have to go, mom's making dinner tonight and inviting- um, my stepdad. So see you soon! Oh and," The boy turned back around to finish his last sentence. "Kachan isn't someone to cry over. He doesn't mean most of the words he says."

With that Izuku Midoriya walked out of sight and Uraraka looked at her phone.

"Ten missed calls."

Uraraka noted that they where all from Bakugou as soon as she opened it. Before she could even hit the contact the song came back on.

"I'm James bond, live to die another day."

She swiped the green button and put the phone to her ear- this was our young Uraraka's first mistake. "ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE FUCK I'M OUTSIDE AND I HEARD YOUR RINGTONE FOR ME." Bakugous voice boomed, killing the person on the other side of the lines ears.

"Your a bombshell blonde. Is there more to explain?" Uraraka smirked and started to pace around on her phone.

"I will find you. Then kill you." The bombshell blonde said calmly- which scared Uraraka more than him yelling.

"You can't kill me, I'm a bad bitch." She laughed and her phone got snatched out of her hand. "Yeah, agreed but it should be worded 'Bitch, you're bad at hiding.' Instead." Bakugou, the one who took her phone snarled as he picked her up too.

"Where are we going?!" Uraraka hit his back on repeat- you see he was holding her like Shrek held Fiona in the first movie.

"Uh, Clare's. We need little girl stuff." Bakugou said back and they walked.

At the end of the day the two settled with perfume from "that underwear store that has so many secrets" Quote, Bakugou. Then a gift card to Clare's.

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