Chapter fourteen

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Uraraka plopped herself on her bed, you see she was a tad bit drunk.

She thought about Bakugou and Kirishima, how they were having a falling out- she didn't know why but she knew those two boys needed each other. When she first lost her virginity she had gotten into an argument with her best friend over "she's better than that" Uraraka proved her wrong. The two didn't talk since she moved schools and it was maybe was for the best. Kirishima and Bakugou where too close, them separating would hurt them both.

Uraraka stared at the ceiling and decided to make a phone call.

"Hey, Deku-kun!" She giggled

"Uraraka!" He sounded happy to the young girl's ears so she giggled some more.

"I hope I didn't call too late." Uraraka smiled on the other side of the line as he replied back and sooner or later they were having a conversation.

She liked it, it was a simple non-Bakugou related conversation with Deku. It was possibly the first one the two had since Winter break started. Oddly enough to her, it seems like she and Bakugous plan for her to get with Deku included hanging out with Bakugou more than Midoria himself.

Sooner or later, more like later considering it was four in the morning Izuku said good night and hung up.

Uraraka finally fell asleep an hour later.

Sadly for her, her sleep was cut short by a rock flying through her cracked window and hitting her face.

"What the fuck-" she whispered and walked to the window. When she looked out she couldn't believe the sight. It was Bakugou, of course, but he had made a little army of snowmen as well.

She threw in some jackets and walked out to him to scoff. "Why the fuck did you make a snowman army?"

He looked up at her from making another and cracked a smile "for back up."

Uraraka sat beside one of the snowmen and looked at Bakugou like he was insane. "Back up for what?" She knew his night was rough but this is a tad over the top.

"Last night is non-existent whatever you believe happened you are miss led."

"Ehh I wanna know what happened between you and Kirishima first." She stood up and walked in front of him where their chest where touching.

They stood like that for a while until Bakugou took a step back and looked at his feet. "He asked me out and I lied saying I felt the same way- I guess I'm a bad liar and he got mad. So then I went back into the room with you and you told me to fix it. I mean I tried but I don't think it will ever be like it was before."

Uraraka stared at Bakugou, how his red eyes where do fixated on his foot which was drawing in the snow. His face didn't have much emotion on it unlike usual where he was easy to read.

Uraraka wrapped her arms around him and whispered: "Sorry last night wasn't one to remember Katsuki."

The boy cleared his throat and looked away from Uraraka, "Uh well, if I knew it would've been this easy I wouldn't have brought my army."

Ochaco laughed and backed up, falling on top of one of Bakugous "soldiers"

Bakugou stared at her and said quietly. "You killed Paul." He picked up a snowball and threw it at her "SUFFER MY WRATH-"

the snowball hit Uraraka in her throat and she fell down only to rise up to see Bakugou Katsuki laughing his ass off. Only when Uraraka rose up with snow balls floting behind her did he realize the mistake he had done. She put her hands together and said


The snowballs landed on both of them, sadly but it was nonetheless hilarious.

After a moment of silence and laying in the cold snow watching the sun start to rise Bakugou spoke up. "Shitty hair asked me out." he said it as if he was just now realizing it want a dream, that it was real.

Uraraka stared at him; how delicate his features where. She wasn't shocked she figured someone was going to ask him out sooner or later- yeah she didn't expect Kirishima to be the one but he wasn't marked off of her list.

"It'll take time but it will pass. You have to remember we are all going to be stuck in the same school for the next three and a half years. He can avoid you forever." She spoke softly listening at the morning traffic for the interstate not to far from her house.

"I doubt it. That's the same chances of me and Deku making up." He wasn't listening to the tires in the distance like her he felt like the silence needed to be filled.

"We became friends and that was a pretty low possibility." She heard someone skid their Car wheels not to far away.

"Yeah" He didn't know that they where even classified as "friends" it was all because he snooped in something he shouldn't have. He wasn't going to complain though, he liked the thought of being her friend.

"Hey, we need to get this Deku thing in motion as well. That's another reason for me showing up." He needed to distract himself. If they get together it's one less problem for him. "So give me your phone"

Author note :
Twice in a day????

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