Chapter Thirteen

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Bakugou ran to Kirishima and pulled him away from the conversation between him and Kaminari.

Once they where out of earshot Bakugou fired "I don't like you like that."

Kirishima looked hurt and confused, "you pulled me from my conversation to say that?" His voice was small and wavered as he talked.

"I don't like you like that. I'm fucking sorry but if you want me to tell the truth, right now I'm kind of crushing on someone that I wanna hate and it's not fair on you. Yet I wanna tell you the truth because you deserve that much- at least." Bakugou stared at him, hoping for an answer, a smile, anything.

"You got a crush on Midoria???" Kirishima wasn't shocked though, he knew at least five people who did. He just didn't know he was necessarily Bakugous type.

"No you nimrod." Bakugou flicked his four head and rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms and looked away "who I have a crush on isn't important."

"Uraraka. It's her isn't it?" Bakugous eyes went wide and he looked at Kirishima but before he could get the words out Kirishima had already moved on.  "But she's in the top four of people who like Midoria."

Bakugou slowly nodded then added "yeah the shortie is obsessed with him but I didn't recall the others?" He n e e d e d to know, if he sets up Uraraka with Deku then they wouldn't have to talk no more. Better off she will be cuddled up next to the boy he hated. Maybe that would be enough to get her out of his mind. Maybe he could move on to Kirishima if that happened.

"Yeah. It's quite obvious." Kaminari walked to the two. "Todoroki, Tsu,Mei and Uraraka. I believe that it's one twisted love triangle of its own."

Kirishima looked at Kiminari slowly and asked, "how much did you hear?"

The blonde haired boy raised an eyebrow and replied, "Everything, I've hacked into your phones forever ago. I wasn't accepted into one of the top schools souly because of my quirk ya know?"

Bakugou and Kirishima looked at one another with their faces reading worry. "Don't worry my lips are sealed, besides  Damn Bakugou are you in a Harem? How you going to impress Uraraka anyways?"

Bakugou froze for a minute while he came to realization, "she heard me- shit- fuck. Fuckity fuck, fuck. "

Kirishima and Kaminari looked at him with worried expressions but he just ignored them and told them "Hey guys it's been a long night, I'm going to hit the hay at home. You wanna come over?"

Kaminari was about to say yes until he saw Kirishimas face, "nah I'm good. I already promised Kirishimas mom I would be over for New Years breakfast."

Bakugou knew it was a lie but he smiled and nodded anyways, "alright then bye guys and oh, happy New Years."

Bakugou headed out until small fingers wrapped around his arm "Can I walk with you? We walk pass my house anyways."

It was Uraraka whim seemed happier than before "Let's go brother fucker." He smiled and the two walked together to her house. When the two stoped Uraraka looked at her phone.


The two watched the phone as it hit twelve and Uraraka kissed his cheek "Happy new year Bakugou." She kind of expected him to freak out or yell at her not to touch him, but he didn't.

He kissed her forehead softly and slowly just to sigh.  "happy new year Ochaco Uraraka"

As soon as he got home Bakugou took off his coats and sat on the couch to break down.

He had hurt his best friend, possibly ruined their friendship forever, Kaminari glared at him during the conversation they had earlier and he likes the girl he should hate.

"Such a horrid start to a new year."

Author note :
Guess who's back???

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