Chapter eighteen

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Bakugo was lost.

It had been hours since he yelled at her and all he wanted to do was drive to her and apologize. He even started to go at one point but now he was sitting in the car, parked by a park in the middle of the night.

Katsuki knew what he was doing was good for her, good for him. He needed to get away from her- at least a little distance but he didn't know how to do that without making her hate him.

"Classmates don't do the things we do, Katsuki. They just don't." She had said to him,
"Well friends don't have these kind of feelings for another." Bakugou wanted to say so desperately but he couldn't bring himself to fuck with her mind further more.

The blonde laid down his seat down and played a sad playlist off of Spotify.

Sooner rather than later he was sobbing as he was singing along with the lyrics.

"And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's meant to be broken
I just want you to know who I am"

He squeezed his eyes shut and screamed along, it was the middle of the night at a park- who would hear him?

This continued until Bakugou came to acknowledge the knocking at his window. As any under age teen would think, Bakugos first instinct was "shit it's the cops."

He sat up and rolled down the window.

And of course it wasn't the fucking cops, he wished it was but it wasn't, it was fucking deku.

"What the fuck do you want you shitty nerd?"  He wasn't in a shirt and it seemed as if he had just finished working out, Bakugou couldn't help but notice how ripped he was versus a few months ago in middle school.

"Why are you crying to the googoo dolls at three in the morning, kacchan?" Bakugou stared at him in amazement, for some reason he thought he would've already known. Bakugou wanted to beat him to a pulp, till there was nothing there; use his quirk on him but he couldn't even manage that. He felt revolted even by thinking of it.

"I could ask why you're running around shirtless at three in the morning but you don't see me prying in other peoples business." Maybe deku would just leave, Bakugou wanted him to, he wanted to keep on singing and sobbing to himself; was that so much to ask?

Surly enough Midoria did turn around and it gave Bakugou a sharp pain in his chest, he didn't want to really be left alone and it would be horrid if he was left to his thoughts again.

"Come on Kacchan, lets sit in the swings and talk." Deku said without even turning around and surely enough Bakugou followed him to the swings and they sat there, in silence hoping for something to say.

"I was running because I couldn't sleep, I woke up and couldn't go back down so I decided to tire my self out. If I wouldn't have recognized that car of-" Izuku rambled on and on for what seemed to Bakugou for hours he finally decided to talk.

"Deku," his voice cracked even though he was trying to hold it in "I fucked up."


"I told someone I," Bakugou looked down and grumbled "I lied to someone for y- I mean for myself."

He hadn't thought much about Deku during this whole thing; he knew both sides. One since childhood and one since, well, a few weeks. And now he had to consider this damn nerds feelings.

"Lying only makes things worse kacchan," Bakugou looked back up at Midoria who, to Bakugous surprise, wasn't crying while saying something deep. "What happens when it all slips up and hits the fan?"

"What happens when it all slips up and hits the fan?" 
Bakugou knew He should have probably be worried about his whole 'having feelings for Uraraka' secret but all he could think about was Urarakas lies and what would happen if Deku did find out?

"Thanks, I have to go!" Bakugou jumped up and ran to the car to drive off.

Authors note:

Bet you thought you had seen the last of me? Hahaha false as I haven't committed suicide yet-

So bottom line is schools kicking my ass; Although I am going to try to keep updating. :)

Ps. Thank you for the reads and votes!!!

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