Chapter four

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The two walked with snow surrounding and the sun slowly rising.

There was only silence between the two. As the highschool students walked they both slowly realized how early they set out.

"The fucking birds are tweeting." Bakugo said out loud. "And the morning dew is just starting to lay." Uraraka added, with a small sprint to keep up with her companion.

"Hey, Bakugo what are we doing exactly?" Urarakas mind was already wondering into the gutters before Bakugo hit her on the back of the head.

"Get your mind out of the swamp, Christmas is in like what- nine days? I have to buy something for my little cousin but she's a girl and I don't know what girls generally like." Uraraka could hear frustration in his voice.

"Wow, you actually have a heart." The words slipped from Urarakas lips non-meaningly.

"What was that you brother fucking hoe?" Bakugous eyes narrowed as hell stared at her. "Sorry, sorry." The bubbly girl backed down.

"Does she honestly think she can say whatever she fucking wants?" Bakugo stared wide eyed at the shorter girl. "Gotta give it to her, she's got some serious guts."

"So, where was your father?" Katsuki Bakugos tan skin skin contrasted the white show wich he didn't even bother to wipe off his head.

"He works a lot. Most of the time he comes home at around three in the morning just to leave at five. In luck he does get a few naps while he works." Unlike Bakugo her skin was pale and every few seconds she wiped her head to rid of the snow.

"Oh." His eyes hovered away from her for he didn't want her to know how much he related to that.


"Hey honey, we got to leave for business." His father slowly approached.

"But tomorrow is-" He started yet didn't finish because he knew that it would only get him yelled at.

"FINE YOU AND THAT HAG GO! ONE DAY I'M GOING TO BE THE BEST AND MAKE YOU WISH YOU WHERE THERE!" Tears dribbled from his ruby eyes as Bakugou stormed upstairs.

The next day he walked down stairs to see that they had actually left him- despite his hope that his words from yesterday would guilt them to staying.

The boys small hands grabbed the cake from the fridge and went to the drawers to get some candles. He sat six of them on there, utterly sloppy like. With two nearly touching, three in a crowd and the last one halfway off the cake.

After what seemed like hours of trying to light the candles Bakugo tried to used his quirk to light them- and exploded his All Might birthday cake.

His face read hurt when he finally managed to look at the cake to see that he had distorted All Mights face leaving black where it had once been and blue wax oozing there as well.

The only thing that had survived was one singly lit candle and one of All Mights bubble gum eyes on the fridge.

He looked at the candle and out loud he had said "I wish to become the best hero ever."

Then blew out the candle for his sixth birthday.

[Flashback END]

"Bakugou?!" Uraraka yelled at him. "WHAT?!" His voice was louder (practice makes perfect) "We are here." Her calm voice rang through Bakugous head- bringing him back to reality.

He looked at the at the mall before them and sighed "Lets go then."

The two walked into the local mall together and started to set out.

"So tell me about your cousin, what is she like?" Uraraka questioned as she tilted her head at him.

"Uh so she's like ten, she's short, has HUGE freckles- did you know that was possible? And she's got bright orange hair." The explosive boy pictured her. She was his only family other than his auntie, parents and of course his grandmother.

"I meant personality wise but okay." Uraraka giggled.

"Is the complete opposite of me a good answer?" Bakugou raised and eyebrow at the girl next to him.

"So Deku?" She grinned but was greeted with a glare.

"Try non-violent and happy. Deku is anything but non-violent." Bakugou muttered. Yes, he was more violent then Deku. He would admit that but he wouldn't say that Deku was any saint. He hasn't thought that since the day of the villains vs Heros test at school.


Oh yeah, I forgot this book was still a thing. Sorry lives. TBH I have more inspiration to write this one more than my others right now.

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