Sick Niall: Part 1

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Towards the end of the first half of the concert Niall started loosing focus and grew paler by the second. In the middle of I Would he darted off stage and ran straight into the bathroom.

He was leaning over the toilet ready to let everything out again. He turned to look at you and you could see he really wasn't very well. His face was pale and sweaty, his normally ocean blue eyes were bloodshot and swollen, tears were running down his sweaty cheeks, his hair was a mess and he was shaking violently.

You knelt down and rubbed his bare back in an attempt to comfort him. He leant over the toilet once again and let everything out.

"it's okay baby let it all out it will make you feel better" he nodded in response and threw up again.

"You done?" you asked him, "for now" he mumbled weakly.

You knew that he would probably have to go through this again so you just sat with your back against the wall and gently pulled him into your lap, where he rested his head on your shoulder and you softly kissed his boling hot forehead.

"need anything Ni?" You asked gently. He gave you a weak nod and whispered hoarsely "can I have a glass of water please?"

"of course" You replied and got up to get a glass of water and a cool cloth.

"Here ya go baby" you said as you sat back down again and he crawled into your lap.

You raised the glass to his feverish lips and placed the cool cloth on top of his burning forehead. He took a few small sips of water and laid against you.

As he hadn't been sick again you asked him "Do you want to go lie on the sofa?"

He gave you a small nod as a reply so you helped him up and into the dressing room.

He laid down on the sofa and you covered him with a fuzzy baby blue blanket which he gladly snuggled under. You sat in front of the sofa and started to gently rub his aching stomach. You kissed his pink cheek and he was soon fast asleep so you popped out to the dressing room next door where the boys and Paul were.

They all looked up from their phones to see what you were going to say.

"he's really not well I don't think I've ever seen him this sick before."

The boys all nodded and sighed before getting up to hug you. You wished them luck for the remaining part of their concert and headed back to check on Niall. You sat back down on the floor in front of the sofa.

Suddenly Niall sat up and dashed into the bathroom. You quickly followed him and there he was hunched over the toilet emptying his stomach. You knelt down behind him and rubbed his shaking back with one hand and his sore tummy with the other. When he was done you flushed the toilet for him and he collapsed against you.

"c'mon Ni let's get you back to the sofa"

"no there's no point because I'll just end up being sick again so I'm just going to stay here" he replied.

"alright try and get some sleep, I love you and I hope you get better soon." Just before he fell asleep he mumbled an "I love you too."

An hour later and the boys had just finished the concert and were getting ready to leave so you gently shook Niall awake.

"c'mon baby we're going now." You said.

You slowly helped him up and slid an arm around his waist. Outside the arena were thousands of fans and paparazzi shouting for autographs and photos. You quickly climbed into the car, Paul driving, Zayn in the passenger seat, Louis, you and Niall in the middle and Liam and Harry in the back. Niall groaned and laid his head on your shoulder as you went over a speed bump which clearly made him feel worse.

You rubbed his stomach and whispered "we're nearly home now."

As you hit another bump Niall groaned again and heaved into a bucket that you had in the car just in case. When he was done he wiped his mouth with a tissue and took a few sips from a water bottle.

Five minutes later you arrived home. You helped Niall into the house and up the stairs. He put on a fresh pair of sweatpants and took off his sweaty top. He brushed his teeth then climbed into bed. You laid down behind him. As you rubbed his tummy he began to drift off. Once you were sure he was asleep you kissed his temple and slid out of bed. You walked into the living room where the boys were watching Marley And Me. You took a seat next to Liam and watched the movie.

An hour and a half later you woke up to see the credits rolling. You got up and said good night to the boys. You went upstairs, changed into your pyjamas, brushed your teeth and slid into bed behind Niall.

About two o'clock in the morning Niall shot up and sprinted to the bathroom. You knew what was going to happen next so you quickly followed and knelt down behind him. When he was done you took him back to bed and went downstairs. You found Louis in the kitchen making a brew.

"what are you doing down here?" he asked.

"could ask you the same thing, getting Niall some water and medicine, he's just thrown up again" you reply.

You and Louis said goodnight to each other and headed separate ways.

Niall was curled up in a ball in the middle of the bed.

You rubbed his bare back and said "baby can you take these for me please."

He sat up and swallowed the tablets uneasily. After having a drink of water he laid back down and curled up next to you.


When you woke up Niall was fast asleep so you carefully got out of bed and hopped into the shower. Once you were done you put on a pair of shorts and a plain t-shirt. As you were drying your hair Niall started to wake up. You went round to his side of the bed and knelt in front of him. You moved a piece of hair away from his sweaty forehead and gently kissed his cheek.

"how ya feeling baby?" You asked him.

"not good" he replied in a hoarse voice.

You went downstairs to make Niall a cup of tea and were met with all the boys gathered around the breakfast bar in nothing apart from pyjama bottoms.

"how is he?" Zayn asked.

"not good, he can hardly keep anything down" You replied.

"what are you lot doing today?" You asked.

"well today is our day off so nothing really" Harry replied.

With that you went upstairs to take Niall his tea but when you got there he wasn't in bed. You placed the mug on the side table and went into the bathroom where you guessed he might be. Sure enough there he was leaning over the toilet throwing up.

You rubbed his back and whispered "poor baby."

Once he was done you ran him a hot bath which he gladly stepped into. After that he put on a pair of pyjama bottoms and you went downstairs to find the boys in the games room playing on the Xbox.

"how ya feeling Ni?" Harry asked.

"a bit better, not great though," he replied.

The boys took up the corner couch so you and Ni sat on the two-seater. Niall lay down with his head in your lap. He groaned so you rubbed his tummy to try and stop it from hurting so much. He let out a content sigh before falling asleep.


Okay so here is chapter 1 of the Niall sickness story!

Comment below what you thought about it.

Tell me which parts you like and which parts you think can be improved.

Thank you :) xx

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