Larry (sick Louis)

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Louis' alarm went off at exactly 7am on a Tuesday morning signalling it was time to wake the kids up.

Every morning Louis woke the kids and Harry made breakfast.

Today, Louis had woken up with a headache and sore throat.

He sighed, he didn't want Harry to worry about him.

Louis stood up but had to sit down again as his vision blurred and he became lightheaded.

He stood up again, slower this time.

He pulled on a pair of jeans and a top.

He decided to wake his and Harry's eldest child Lucy (9) first.

Louis walked into her room and knelt down beside her bed.

"C'mon Lucy time to get up!"

Lucy was the easiest to wake up and soon her baby blue eyes fluttered open.

"Morning Papa!" She said happily.

"Morning sweetie. Daddy's making pancakes for breakfast," Louis singsonged knowing that was Lucy's favourite.

She squealed and quickly got dressed.

Next Louis went to wake up Freya (6).

He did the same thing he did to Lucy and soon Louis could hear her footsteps bounding down the stairs.

Last person to wake up was Jake (2).

Jake looked exactly like Harry.

Louis changed his nappy and got him dressed before carrying him downstairs to the kitchen.

Harry was pouring the batter into the pan.

Louis strapped Jake into his high chair and then made his way over to Harry.

"Morning baby," said Harry as he turned around.

"Morning," Louis replied.

Harry noticed that Louis didn't look himself but shrugged it off as they had both gone to bed late last night due to paperwork they had to finish for management.

Harry served the pancakes with bacon and maple syrup.

As Louis took a bite of his he felt his stomach turn.

He sighed knowing he was probably coming down with something but pushed it aside as it was now time to take the kids to school and daycare.

Louis strapped the kids in before kissing Harry goodbye.

Louis dropped Lucy and Freya off first and then headed to Jake's daycare.

On the way home Louis had to pull over as he felt like he was going to throw up.

He leant his head on the steering wheel hoping the wave of nausea would pass.

It did and Louis was soon on his way home.

When he stepped inside the house he found Harry sitting on the sofa waiting for him to get home so that they could both head to the studio.

Louis sat in the passenger seat as Harry drove through London.

Every time they turned a bend Louis' stomach flipped.

He rested his forehead on the cool window.

Harry glanced worriedly over at Louis who was taking deep breaths with his eyes squeezed tightly shut.

"You okay baby?" Harry asked.

Louis just nodded his head not wanting to worry Harry.

Plus management would be pretty annoyed if he missed the recording session.

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