Ziall Food Poisioning

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The boys had spent a week in Japan promoting their new album. Last night they had gone to a sushi restaurant near the hotel. Niall had ordered a dish that contained rather a lot of raw fish. Now, as the boys boarded the private jet that would fly them back to London, Niall regretted having that dish.

He sat down in the window seat with his boyfriend Zayn next to him.

"Please fasten your seat belts. We will be taking off shortly," the captain announced through the speaker.

As the plane began to travel down the runway Niall's nausea increased. He groaned and laid his head on Zayn's shoulder.

"Babe, you okay?" Zayn asked.

He knew that Niall was feeling a bit off but he didn't know just how bad he felt.

Niall shook his head and groaned.

Zayn wrapped an arm around Niall and rubbed his side.

"Go to sleep baby," Zayn whispered as he placed a soft kiss to Niall's temple.

Soon Zayn could hear Niall's breathing even out, signalling that he had fall asleep. Zayn just hoped the food poisoning Niall was suffering from wasn't too severe.


A while later Niall woke up feeling his stomach flip uncomfortably.

He squirmed in his seat trying to relax.

Zayn had been awake the whole time Niall slept and felt the weight lifted off his shoulder.

He turned to face Niall and saw him fidgeting.

Zayn asked one of the flight attendants for a can of lemonade. She promptly handed it to Zayn who then handed it to Niall.

Niall took a couple of small sips as not to upset his churning stomach even more before handing it to his boyfriend.

Niall leant back against against the headrest with his eyes squeezed tightly shut whilst Zayn read his book and monitored Niall.


About 20 minutes later Zayn noticed that Niall's breathing had got a lot heavier.

Niall groaned and tried to roll over. He whimpered before opening his eyes and looking over at Zayn.

"I feel sick," Niall whimpered as a few tears slid down his pale cheeks.

Zayn used the pad of his thumb to wipe away Niall's tears.

"Do you feel like throwing up?" Zayn asked his Irish boyfriend.

Niall just nodded.

After hearing the boys talking Liam poked his head his head over the seat.

"Everything alright?" he asked.

"Niall's not feeling well, think it's that sushi from last night," Zayn explained.

Liam gave Niall a sympathetic look before returning back to his own business.

Niall was sat upright taking really deep breaths.

Suddenly his stomach convulsed making Niall gag into his hand.

Zayn quickly grabbed one of the air sickness bags before opening it and then handing it to Niall.

Niall leant forward with his head buried in the bag.

He gagged a couple of times before his stomach convulsed harshly.

Niall groaned and puked into the bag.

"Shh bub let it out," Zayn whispered as another round of sick came barrelling up Niall's throat making an appearance in the bag.

Finally, Niall stopped vomiting.

He wiped his mouth with a tissue and then leant back against Zayn's warm chest.

A flight attendant appeared having heard the commotion and took the bag scurrying off, returning soon after with water, gum and a cool cloth.

Niall popped the gum into his mouth and sipped the water slowly.

As he relaxed he found himself drifting off.


Niall was jolted awake when his stomach gurgled loudly and a sharp pain spread right through his abdomen.

His stomach continued gurgling for about 5 minutes before he couldn't wait any longer.

He urgently shook Zayn trying to wake him up.

Zayn's eyes slowly fluttered open as he took in Niall's features.

Zayn suddenly snapped awake as he saw the pained look on Niall's face.

"Ni, baby what do you need?" Zayn asked.

Niall whimpered.

"Toilet, I don't feel well" he mumbled.

"Do you feel sick? You can just use a bag," Zayn said.

"No it's something else," Niall said.

"Ni what is it?" Zayn asked not getting the idea.

"Zayn please just let me out so I can go to the toilet," Niall begged.

Zayn let Niall past as he scurried into the toilet.

Zayn quickly scrambled out of his seat hurrying over to the locked toilet door.

He heard Niall let out a pained groan but no gagging or retching. It was then that Zayn finally understood what was wrong with Niall.

Niall whimpered before calling Zayn's name asking him for something to settle his stomach.

Zayn asked a flight attendant for some anti-diarrhoea pills and water.

He knocked on the bathroom door.

"Can I come in baby?" Zayn asked.

He received no reply but instead the click of the lock signalling it was open.

Zayn quickly stepped inside and locked the door again.

Niall was sat on the toilet, pants around his ankles. He was hunched over with his arms wrapped around his torso.

Zayn knelt down in front of his sick boyfriend and handed him the medication.

Niall quickly swallowed it with a gulp of water.

Zayn then exited the cramped bathroom and awaited Niall's returned.

A while later Niall emerged and sat down in his seat snuggling into Zayn's side where he slept for the rest of the journey.


A few hours later, the plane touched down in London. Niall and Zayn collected their luggage then made their way back to their shared flat.

As soon as they were home Niall burst through the front door and ran to the bathroom with Zayn following closely behind.

Niall spent the whole night in the bathroom throwing up but was much better by lunch time the next day.


Hope you enjoyed this ziall one shot!

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:) xx

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