Zouis Food Poisoning

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Last night, Zayn and Louis had taken their 4 year old daughter Bella out for dinner.

Zayn and Bella had both ordered a burger whilst Louis went for spaghetti bolognese.


Bella woke up at 5:30am with a funny feeling in her tummy.

Not liking it she went to wake up her Daddy and Papa.

She quietly opened the door and walked over to Louis' side of the bed clutching her favourite teddy bear.

"Daddy," she whimpered, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Louis was a light sleeper unlike his husband and quickly woke up.

He flipped the bedside lamp on, then picked up Bella and set her on his lap.

Even in the dim light Louis could see that Bella was crying.

"Bell what's wrong?" Louis asked.

"My tummy feels icky," she whimpered.

Zayn hadn't been feeling well either and had woken up to see Bella sitting on his husband's lap.

He groaned and rolled over.

"Papa's tummy feels icky too," Zayn sighed.

"It does?" Louis questioned.

Zayn nodded.

"I really don't feel well," Zayn mumbled.

Louis lifted Bella up and placed her on the bed.

She quickly climbed into Zayn's lap wanting comfort.

"I'll be back in a minute," Louis said hurrying off to get some supplies.

He soon returned with a bucket, water and some crackers.

"I could only find one bucket," Louis murmured.

"It's fine, let Bella have it," Zayn said opening his eyes to look at Louis.

"You sure?" Louis questioned because Zayn looked worse than Bella.

Zayn nodded slightly.

"Bella come here sweetheart," Louis whispered.

Bella whimpered and crawled into her daddy's lap.

Louis held the bucket in front of her incase she felt like throwing up.

Meanwhile Zayn, who had previously been sat up resting against the pillows, laid down trying to stop his stomach cramping.

He tossed and turned for a while before loosing all hope of falling asleep.

Zayn got up and walked to the bathroom.

Louis sighed wanting to check on Zayn but not wanting to leave Bella alone.

He sat with Bella for over an hour before something happened.

Bella whimpered loudly and went very pale.

"Do you feel sick babygirl?" Louis asked.

Bella nodded and threw up in the bucket although she nearly missed.

She sobbed loudly not liking the feeling of throwing up.

"Shh sweetheart, daddy's here," Louis comforted rubbing her back.

After Bella had finished throwing up Louis laid her down on the love seat.

He handed Bella her teddy and covered her with a blanket.

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