Ziam (sick Liam)

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All day Liam had felt awful and Zayn knew it.

The two had spent the whole day cuddled up in bed.

Liam had a cough, sore throat and a fever.

At the moment, Liam was asleep with his head in Zayn's lap.

He shifted and groaned, opening his eyes slightly.

"Hey honey," Zayn said.

Liam groaned and buried his head into Zayn's shoulder.

Zayn rubbed his back.

Deciding he wasn't comfortable he sat up.

Liam coughed harshly and leant forward.

Zayn rubbed his boyfriend's back as he coughed and coughed and coughed.

Liam sat back up resting his head on the pillows.

"It hurts," he croaked, tears sliding down his cheeks.

"I know it does baby, do you want some ice cream?" Zayn asked.

"Yes please," Liam whispered hoarsely.

Zayn kissed Liam and then went downstairs to get some ice cream.

Zayn put two scoops of cookie dough into a bowl and then went back to Liam.

"Here Li," Zayn said placing the bowl in Liam's lap.

"Thanks," Liam croaked.

Liam ate the ice cream, sighing happily as the coolness felt amazing.

Liam placed the empty bowl on the bedside table and then snuggled into Zayn's side.

"Go to sleep baby," Zayn whispered.

Soon Liam was asleep.


When Liam woke up in the middle of the night he felt worse.

His stomach had started to hurt and he felt nauseous.

"Zayn," Liam whimpered.

"Zayn," Liam said louder, shaking him.

Zayn mumbled something and opened his eyes.

"Li," Zayn said, flicking the light on.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked, stroking Liam's cheek.

"I don't feel well," Liam whimpered.

"I know you don't honey," Zayn cooed.

"No I really don't feel well," Liam whimpered.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asked confused.

"My tummy hurts, I feel sick," Liam whimpered.

"Oh baby," Zayn sighed, realising Liam didn't have a cold he had the flu.

"You want to go sit in the bathroom?" Zayn questioned.

Liam nodded.

Zayn stood up and helped Liam to the bathroom.

As soon as they were in the bathroom Liam dropped to his knees in front of the toilet.

"Deep breaths honey," Zayn said.

Liam started coughing harshly which then led to him gagging.

A sickly burp escaped his lips and soon he was leaning over the toilet vomiting.

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