Sick Niall: Part 4

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Once you were safely in the car, you asked Louis to pass you the bucket because Niall looked like he was either gonna pass out or throw up.

Niall was okay for the majority of the journey home until the car turned a sharp corner making his eyes snap open and reach for the bucket.

You quickly placed it in his lap as he leant over it dry heaving, nothing coming up. After about 5 minutes his stomach seemed to settle and he relaxed.


A while later you arrived at home.

Niall went straight upstairs to bed saying he would let you know if he needed anything.

You glanced at the clock to see it was already 6:34pm. You went into the kitchen to start preparing dinner.

You decided on spicy chicken pasta thinking you could make Niall something later. You grabbed all the ingredients you needed and started boiling the pasta.

"Dinner!" You shouted and shortly after Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry walked into the kitchen.

You all sat down at the table and started to eat.

After tea the boys all went into the lounge whilst you washed up.

You had just about finished when you heard a groan come from the doorway. You turned around and saw Niall stood there with a pained expression on his face.

"You okay baby?" You asked.

He simply shook his head.

"Can I have a glass of water please?" He said.

"Sure sweetheart," you replied.

You quickly got him a cold glass of water along with some of his antibiotics and handed them to him. Once he had swallowed the medication he went back upstairs to bed.

As you walked into the lounge you saw the boys chatting. There was an empty space next to Zayn so you sat there.

The boys were talking about their schedule for the next couple of weeks when you heard your name being called from upstairs.

You don't think you've ever moved so fast, you sprinted up the stairs and into the bedroom.

The sight was not pretty.

Niall had obviously not quite made it to the bathroom the first time and you could still hear him retching. You opened the bathroom door and knelt behind Niall who was shaking and crying.

You slid your hand under his t-shirt and rubbed his sweaty back.

"I'm sorry!" He sobbed.

"Shhh it's okay baby," you whispered to him.

When he had finished you helped him up so he could brush his teeth.

"Sofa or bed?" you asked him.

"Sofa." He replied.

You led him downstairs into the lounge where the boys were, then went back upstairs to clear up.

Do you need anything Nialler?" Zayn asked.

"Cuddles," he whimpered.

Zayn gently moved behind where Niall was laying on the sofa so he was spooning him. Zayn lifted Niall's top slightly so he could rub soothing circles on his tummy.

When you came back down stairs the sight you saw was too cute. You snapped a picture of the two sleeping boys and put it on instagram. Liam, Louis, Harry and you decided to watch a film.

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