Sick Niall

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Niall hadn't been feeling well for about a week now but he didn't tell anyone.

Their schedule was busy and all of the boys were exhausted.

He'd had a couple of headaches, an awful cough and felt extremely tired.

He also had a fever and was constantly sweating.

Whenever one of the boys caught him coughing he said it was nothing.

The fever was more avoidable because they were touring in warm countries.

One night during the European leg of the tour, Niall's illness was at its worst.

The boys had just gone on stage in Italy.

Niall was having some difficulty breathing but he just thought it was because he had been running around on stage.

Throughout the concert, Niall's breathing had gotten worse and his awful cough wasn't making life any easier for the ill blonde.

It got to the point where he couldn't handle it anymore.

Niall was stood at the end of the catwalk as he began his solo in Happily.

A searing pain shot through his abdomen.

He gasped and doubled over, dropping his microphone.

Zayn, who was nearest to Niall, quickly went over to him.

"Niall, what's wrong?" Zayn shouted.

That was the last thing Niall heard before everything went black and he felt himself falling.

Unfortunately, Zayn wasn't able to catch Niall and he collapsed on stage.

The music stopped immediately and the boys rushed over to Niall.

"Niall," Louis said to see if he was awake or not.

When Niall didn't respond it was obvious that he had passed out.

By this time Paul was on stage and was already carrying Niall back to the dressing room.

Harry apologised to the fans and then hurried off stage to join the rest of the boys.

Paul had laid Niall on the dressing room couch and he was starting to wake up.

He tried to sit up and regretted it as a sharp pain shot through his abdomen.

Niall hissed and went very pale.

"Niall?" Louis questioned.

"S-sick," Niall stuttered.

Harry quickly grabbed the bin from the corner of the room and gave it to Niall.

Niall leant over the bin and emptied his stomach whilst Liam rubbed his back.

Once he had finished he hissed again and clutched his stomach.

"Does your tummy hurt Ni?" Zayn asked.

Niall nodded with his eyes clamped shut, the pain almost unbearable.

"Where?" Zayn asked, trying to find out what was wrong with Niall.

Niall pointed to the right handside of his stomach.

Louis, who had been watching everything immediately registered what was happening.

"Paul quick! Phone an ambulance, Niall has appendicitis," Louis hollered.

Since Louis was the eldest he was very protective of the other boys.

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