Sick Harry

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The boys had been on tour for the past five months.

At the moment they were in America.

Harry had woken up feeling awful.

His head hurt, his stomach hurt, the duvet that covered his body made him feel incredibly warm yet he was shivering and he felt extremely dizzy.

None the less, he pulled himself out of bed and quickly got dressed.

He went into the back of the tour bus to see all of the boys sitting with Paul talking about their schedule for today.

"Morning Haz," Louis said happily.

"Morning," Harry mumbled back.

All of the boys and Paul assumed Harry was just tired.

"Okay so first you have an interview and then a photoshoot," Paul spoke.

Harry sighed really not looking forward to today, especially the photoshoot.

The boys walked off the bus and climbed into the van, Louis in the front with Paul, Niall and Zayn in the middle and Liam and Harry in the back.

Harry dozed off for what only felt like a few seconds but in reality about half an hour.

The boys were ushered into the dressing room where they had their hair and make-up done.

After that, Paul led them down a long corridor to the interview room.

Harry was starting to feel worse.

During the interview he only spoke when a question was directed at him.

Once they were done, Paul led them out towards the van.

Due to the screams, Harry's headache had turned into a migraine causing him to become nauseous.

He needed to tell someone.

Once they had all settled into the seats of the van Harry decided to tell Niall who was the only one awake, Liam, Zayn and Louis were fast asleep.

"Niall," Harry spoke quietly.

"Yeh Haz," Niall replied.

"I don't feel well," Harry mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Niall questioned looking at the younger boy.

"Migraine," Harry whimpered squeezing his eyes shut.

Niall's hand immediately went to Harry's forehead to check for a fever.

Niall's cool hand felt amazing on Harry's burning skin.

"Jesus Haz, you're burning," Niall hissed quickly removing his hand.

Harry whimpered.

"Anything else wrong?" Niall asked trying to diagnose Harry.

"Tummy and I'm dizzy," Harry whimpered.

"Do you feel sick?" Niall questioned.

Harry nodded.

"Everything's spinning and it's making me feel sick," Harry moaned.

"Close your eyes," Niall suggested.

Harry did and leant his head on Niall's shoulder.

Unfortunately, only five minutes later they arrived at the photoshoot venue.

As soon as they were in the dressing room Harry changed into his outfit then laid down on the couch.

"Is Harry okay?" Zayn asked.

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