Larry (sick Louis)

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It was July which meant that it was the peak time for Louis' allergies.

Of course, none of the others knew about it, not even his boyfriend Harry.

Louis thought it was embarrassing and wanted to keep it a secret for as long as he could.

All throughout the day Louis had been coughing and sneezing but had managed to hide it from the boys and Paul.

Now, as the boys prepared for their first performance in Madrid Louis, felt worse than ever.

He couldn't breathe properly through his nose which meant that singing would be pretty difficult.

At precisely 8pm the boys went on stage.

Louis knew that he would have to be careful around the boys so that they didn't suspect anything.

The boys had only performed five songs and Louis was already feeling awful.

He was thankful that he didn't have to sing as much as the others.

"Hello Madrid!" Liam shouted.

"Enjoying the concert over there Tommo?" Liam asked.

"Yeh *sneeze* lovely weather *sneeze* here *sneeze*," Louis said.

"Aww look at Lou and his cute little sneezes," Zayn teased.

"Shut *sneeze* it," Louis spoke hoarsely.

"Aww look he can't even talk without sneezing," Niall said, grinning.

Poor Louis was feeling lightheaded and couldn't stop sneezing.

Sneeze after sneeze after sneeze.

He was bent over, body shaking with every sneeze.

The sneezes were so rapid that he couldn't even take a short breath.

"Har-" Louis was cut off as he felt the world spin and everything went black.

"Louis!" Liam screamed, seeing Louis fall.

Harry quickly ran over to his boyfriend who was lying on the stage and picked him up, hurrying back stage with all of the boys close behind, whilst a security guard notified the fans of the situation.

When the boys reached their dressing room Harry laid Louis down on the couch and crouched down on the floor in front of him.

"Please wake up Lou," Harry whispered softly, stroking Louis' hair.

Niall squatted down next to Harry and rubbed his back.

"Everything's going to be okay Haz," Niall spoke gently.

It was a good ten minutes before Louis woke up but to Harry it felt like hours.

"Harry," Louis croaked, which was accompanied by a cough.

"I'm here boo," Harry whispered, relieved that Louis was okay or so he thought.

"Cuddle," Louis whispered, sitting up.

Harry sat next to him on the couch and pulled Louis onto his lap.

Louis sneezed and sneezed and sneezed and Harry winced when he also started coughing harshly.

Louis had no time to take a breath and felt his throat and chest tighten.

He wheezed trying to suck in enough oxygen but he couldn't do it and soon found himself feeling lightheaded.

"Haz, c-can't b-breathe," Louis gasped.

"Alright boo, Zayn can you grab his inhaler," Harry said, rubbing Louis' back.

Louis dug his face into Harry's shoulder trying to seek comfort.

"It's okay boo, Zayn's gone to get your inhaler, everything's going to be okay," Harry whispered softly.

It didn't take Zayn long to find Louis' inhaler and he quickly returned, handing it to Harry.

"Thanks," Harry said.

"No worries," Zayn replied.

"Boo, can you lift your head for me?" Harry asked.

Louis lifted his head and Harry felt his heart break.

His face was pale, tears falling down his cheeks and his breathing was erratic.

Harry shook the inhaler and pressed it gently against Louis' lips.

"I've got your inhaler love," Harry said quietly.

Louis' brain managed to register the word inhaler and he parted his lips so Harry could place the inhaler in his mouth.

"Deep breaths boo," Harry said pressing the pump.

It took a while but Louis' breathing finally became regular again.

Harry continued to rub his boyfriend's back until he was completely relaxed.

"What happened Lou?" Liam asked, having no idea why Louis passed out and had an asthma attack.

"I've got allergies," Louis mumbled, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks.

"Why didn't you tell anyone boo?" Harry asked, running his hands through Louis' hair.

"It's embarrassing," Louis replied.

"Boo it's not embarrassing to have allergies, loads of people get them," Harry comforted.

"Do you want to go back to the bus Lou?" Niall asked.

Louis nodded, feeling exhausted.

"C'mon then," said Liam, feeling relieved since all of the boys needed a rest, Louis in particular.

Harry slipped his arm around Louis' slim waist as Paul led them towards the bus.

As soon as they were on the bus Harry and Louis headed straight for the bunk room.

They stripped themselves down to their boxers, leaving their clothes in a pile on the floor.

Louis climbed into his bunk and waited for Harry to join him.

"Haz, I want a cuddle," Louis whined.

"Shh boo, I'll be back in a minute love," Harry whispered.

Harry walked into the main area of the bus and grabbed a water bottle and some tissues.

"How is he?" Liam asked.

"Sneezy and tired," Harry sighed.

"Aww poor Lou," Niall said.

"I'm gonna head to bed, night lads," Harry said.

"Night Harry," the boys said in unison.

As Harry walked back to the bunks he could hear Louis coughing.

He quickly slid in behind Louis and rubbed his back.

"It's okay boo, I'm here," Harry comforted.

Once Louis had finished, Harry handed him the bottle of water.

Louis unscrewed the cap and took some small sips before placing it in the corner of the bunk.

"Go to sleep love," Harry said, gently spooning Louis, their legs tangled.

"Love you," Louis mumbled.

"I love you too boo," Harry spoke, pressing a soft kiss to Louis' forehead.

Soon, both boys were asleep.


This was requested by directioner822, hope you like it!

Feedback is always welcome!

:) xx

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