Sick Niall

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The boys were waiting to be interviewed by Scott Mills on BBC Radio 1.

They had just had lunch and were all sat in the dressing rooms, typing away on their phones.

Niall was sat in a spinning chair and Harry decided to push it, making it go round in circles.

Each time it spun it went faster.

Niall could feel his lunch swimming around in his stomach.

"Haz," Niall whimpered.

Harry hadn't heard Niall and continued to spin his chair making Niall feel incredibly dizzy and lightheaded.

"Harry, please stop," Niall whimpered as he felt his lunch ready to make a reappearance.

That's exactly what happened.

Vomit poured out of his mouth landing on his jeans and the seat.

Harry was the first to react.

He immediately stopped spinning the chair.

Liam jumped up and knelt down besides Niall who was bent over with his head between his knees, now throwing up on the floor.

Niall wiped his mouth on his sleeve and looked up at the boys.

"What made you sick Ni?" Louis asked.

"Harry was spinning me on the chair and I just felt really bad." Niall whimpered.

"I'm really sorry Niall," Harry apologised sincerely.

Niall shook his head.

"It's fine Haz," Niall said.

Harry still felt guilty but didn't want to argue with Niall so let it go.

"C'mon let's go get you a change of clothes," Liam said helping Niall up.

Niall nearly fell over but luckily Liam caught him.

"Whoa, you okay?" Liam asked.

"Dizzy," Niall mumbled feeling the world spin.

"Can you do the interview?" Zayn questioned.

Niall nodded.


Once Niall had gotten changed the boys were ushered into the interview room.

The boys sat in a row on stools.

First they were interviewed by Scott Mills who asked them about their career success and then played a game of most likely.

Niall almost fell off the stool but Harry laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder to steady him.

After that they were going to sing You and I.

Niall was starting to feel really bad and had squeezed his eyes tightly shut as the introduction music played.

He took a deep breath and started his solo.

Thankfully he finished it without throwing up.

Once they got to the chorus, Niall began to sway and looked like he was about to pass out.

Liam reached over to rub Niall's back, also keeping him steady.

Finally the song had finished.

All of the boys stood up except for Niall.

He tried to stand up but had to sit down again because of how dizzy he was.

Zayn turned around and saw Niall still sat on his stool.

"Ni what's wrong?" Zayn asked capturing the attention of the other boys who all turned to look.

"Can't stand up, too dizzy," Niall mumbled embarrassed.

"Oh Niall, c'mon it's fine I'll carry you," Liam offered as he stepped in front of Niall.

Niall nodded and Liam lifted him into his strong arms.

Niall buried his head into Liam's chest and squeezed his eyes shut because the light was making his head hurt terribly.

Fortunately there weren't many fans outside and Liam easily carried Niall to the van.

Liam notified Paul of the situation and set Niall in the back.

Liam sat beside Niall.

As the boys were on the way back to the hotel Niall began to feel nauseous again.

He whined and shifted in his seat.

He leant forward and buried his head into his folded arms which were resting on the seat in front.

Liam rubbed his back knowing Niall wasn't feeling well.

"How ya doing Niall?" Liam asked.

"Feel sick," Niall whimpered which was followed by a gag.

"Paul pull over!" Liam hollered not wanting Niall to throw up in the van.

Paul quickly stopped by the side of the road and everyone got out.

Niall knelt down on his knees waiting for something to happen.

All of the boys gathered around Niall so that they were there if he needed them.

After a few minutes of silence Niall's stomach lurched and everything came up.

Harry knelt behind him rubbing his back until it was over.

Once his stomach had finished emptying itself everyone returned to the van.

They made it to the hotel without any more interruptions.

Niall and Liam were sharing a room, as were Louis and Harry whilst Zayn had his own.

Liam placed the key in the slot and opened the door.

"Need anything Ni?" Liam asked.

"Sleep" Niall replied walking straight over to one of the beds, climbing under the covers not even bothering to change his clothes.

Niall was laying on his stomach so Liam decided to perch on Niall's bed and rub his back.

Soon soft snores could be heard and Liam knew that Niall had fallen into a well needed sleep.

By morning, Niall was feeling a lot better.


This prompt was from molly_oleary so thank you!

Feedback is always welcome!

:) xx

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