Nouis (sick Niall)

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It was the night of the Brit Awards and One Direction had won Best British Single.

It had just finished and all of the boys and their bodyguards were on the way to the after party.

There was a large food buffet, which of course was the first thing Niall saw.

He ate loads before finally feeling full.

Louis and Niall had a great evening talking with friends and celebrating their success.

It was on the way home that Niall wished he hadn't eaten the amount that he did.


Niall shifted in the seat of the taxi and slipped a hand under his shirt so that he could gently rub his stomach, trying to make the ache go away.

Louis kept glancing over at Niall noticing he didn't look himself.

"You okay baby?" Louis asked softly, resting a hand on Niall's knee.

"I think I ate too much, I've got a really bad stomachache," Niall groaned.

"Oh sweetie, we're nearly home, we'll change into comfy clothes then I'll help you okay," Louis said.

About ten minutes later the boys arrived home.

"C'mon then baby," Louis said, leading Niall into the house and up the stairs.

Niall unzipped his trousers and took them off, dumping them on the floor and then sat on the bed.

"Oh baby, your tummy really hurts doesn't it?" Louis asked, knowing Niall must feel really bad because he never complained about things like this unless he felt awful.

"Let me help you sweetie," Louis said quietly, unbuttoning Niall's shirt and slipping it off of his body before undressing himself, leaving both boys in their boxers.

"Come here baby," Louis said, spreading out on the bed and gesturing for Niall to join him.

Niall crawled over to Louis snuggling into his side.

He looked up at Louis, his big blue eyes glossy with tears.

"Hey sweetie, shh it's okay don't cry," Louis comforted.

"It just really hurts," Niall said, beginning to cry, digging his face into Louis' shoulder.

"I know it does sweetie, how's about I rub your tummy yeh?" Louis asked.

Louis felt Niall nod against his shoulder so he moved his hand closer to Niall's bloated tummy and began to rub gentle circles on it.

Niall's stomach gurgled and groaned.

After rubbing Niall's tummy for a while Louis asked, "you feeling any better baby?"

"No it still hurts," Niall whined.

"Alright sweetie how's about I get you some lemonade to sip on," Louis said.

Niall nodded, wanting his awful stomachache to go away.

"I'll be back in a minute sweetie," Louis mumbled, kissing Niall gently on his forehead.

Louis went downstairs to the kitchen, poured a glass of lemonade and then went back to the master bedroom.

"Baby can you sit up a bit?" Louis asked.

Niall groaned but sat up, taking the lemonade from his boyfriend.

Louis sat on the bed as Niall took a few small sips before placing the glass on the bedside table.

Niall rested his head on Louis' shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Does it just hurt or are you nauseous as well?" Louis asked.

"Feel a bit sick," Niall whimpered.

"Alright sweetie, I'm just gonna get you some medicine," Louis said softly, getting up from the bed.

"Don't leave me," Niall whimpered, tears leaking out of his eyes as he grabbed onto Louis' hand.

"Hey baby, it's okay, I'm just gonna get some medicine to make you feel better, I'll be quick sweetie," Louis said, brushing Niall's fringe out of his eyes.

"Okay," Niall said softly.

Louis hurried into the bathroom and searched through the medicine cabinet until he found a bottle labelled 'Stomachaches'.

He quickly filled a glass with water and then went back to Niall.

Louis poured a spoonful of the medicine and held it out against Niall's lips.

"Open baby," Louis said softly.

Niall opened his mouth and swallowed the medicine, washing it down with a glass of water, getting rid of the awful taste.

Louis kissed him on the lips, knowing he wasn't going to catch anything.


The two boys sat in silence for a while before Niall starting feeling really bad.

The pain in his stomach was getting worse; the medicine had done nothing to help.

Niall leant forward trying to breathe deeply but found himself panicking.

"Lou, I'm gonna be sick," Niall whimpered, moving a hand to cover his mouth.

Louis grabbed the bin that was beside the bed, placing it in Niall's lap.

He knew that Niall wouldn't actually throw up and was just panicking but he gave Niall the bin to reassure him.

"Lou, I don't feel well," Niall sobbed which led to him gagging and dry heaving.

"Just take a deep breath baby," Louis encouraged rubbing his boyfriend's back.

"That's it keep going," Louis said, continuing to rub Niall's back.

"Better?" Louis asked once Niall had calmed down.

Niall nodded and handed the bin back to Louis, who placed it on the floor.

"It still hurts," Niall said quietly.

"I'm just gonna go get something okay sweetie," Louis said softly.

Niall nodded, rubbing his stomach.

Louis found a heat pack and put it in the microwave.

When the timer beeped he took it out of the microwave and went back upstairs to Niall.

Louis climbed onto the bed and laid on his side, propped up by his elbow whist Niall laid on his back.

Louis gently placed the heat pack on Niall's bare tummy and kissed him softly.

Niall sighed and closed his eyes when the pain in his abdomen finally started to fade.

"Does that feel good baby?" Louis asked.

Niall nodded, opening his eyes slightly to look up at Louis.

"Next time don't eat that much okay," Louis said with a slight chuckle.

"Never again," Niall chuckled.

"I love you baby," Louis whispered.

"I love you too Lou, thank you," Niall replied softly.

"You know I'd do anything for you," Louis mumbled against Niall's temple.

"I'm tired," Niall yawned.

"Go to sleep sweetie, I'll be here when you wake up," Louis whispered.

"Night Lou," Niall said falling asleep.

"Night baby," Louis said, falling asleep himself.


Thank you to stylinson_forever5 so thank you!

I'm sorry it's not my best.

Requests are still closed.

:) xx

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