Sick Niall: Part 3

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The next morning you all woke up early because the boys had a whole day of interviews.

Niall was feeling a bit better but not great though. As you got into the car Niall rested his head on your shoulder.

"go to sleep if you want Ni, I'll wake you up when we get there," you said.

You started rubbing small circles on the back of his hand with your thumb and soon he was asleep.

Niall woke up as you pulled into the car park. Paul led you into the building where the boys had their hair and make-up done.

After three interviews it was lunch time. You all had a sandwich, packet of crisps and a bottle of water. Niall didn't eat much lunch as he was still feeling a bit off.

They had an hour long break before they had an interview with sugarscape. They would be interviewed individually but the others would still be in the room. First was Zayn, then Louis and then Niall.

Once Niall had finished the interview he started to look a bit pale. As he sat down with you and the rest of the boys (it was Harry's interview now) he took a shaky breath.

"Nialler you okay?" Zayn asked.

"Yeh I'm just gonna get a drink. Y/n can you come with me please?" he replied.

You nodded and walked out of the room.

As soon as Niall had taken a sip of water he took a shaky breath before whispering to you "Feel sick."

You quickly took his hand and led him to the toilets where he knelt down and threw up his small lunch. You rubbed his back as he continued to puke.

You handed him a water bottle and his antibiotics which he swallowed gratefully. Once he had finished you went to find the boys.

As you walked into the room Liam was doing his interview. Niall sat down and laid his head on the table as you rubbed soothing circles on his back.

"Is he okay?" mouthed Louis. You shook your head before mouthing back "He threw up."

Five minutes later Liam had finished the interview and you were on your way to another.

You told Paul that Niall had thrown up again as you got into the car. Niall was in the front, you, Liam and Zayn in the middle and Louis and Harry in the back.

On the way to the next building all of the boys fell asleep.

About 20 minutes later you arrived. Everybody clambered out of the car and Paul led you to the right dressing room.

The boys were going to be interviewed as a group and then sing Midnight Memories. Niall decided that he felt well enough to do this interview so all the boys walked on stage.

Niall was sat at the end, near Paul and you just incase. The interview and singing went smoothly with no interruptions but Niall was occasionally rubbing his stomach.

Paul led you through the sea of fans and back to the car. Harry in the passenger seat, Niall, Liam and you in the middle and Louis and Zayn in the back.

Not even 10 minutes after Paul had started driving to the photoshoot Niall was getting fidgety.

He leant his head on your shoulder and let out a quiet whimper.

"You okay baby?" you asked.

He just shook his head not even speaking.

"Shit," Niall whispered under his breath.

"You gonna be sick?" Harry questioned.

He gagged in response.

Paul had heard the conversation and was looking for somewhere that you could stop. Meanwhile, you were rubbing Niall's back whilst he dry heaved.

"Hurry up!" you said.

But it was too late as the contents of Niall's stomach poured out of his mouth landing all over himself and the car floor. Paul pulled up at the services and everyone scrambled out of the car.

Thankfully the service station was very quiet. Paul sent the boys to get some cleaning supplies whilst you comforted Niall who was vomiting onto the concrete.

After about 15 minutes of Niall vomiting his guts out he resorted to dry heaving.

Harry handed Niall a bottle of water which he sipped slowly as not to upset his still nauseous stomach.

He took his antibiotics and popped a piece of chewing gum in his mouth to get rid of the awful taste.

Once he had calmed down you handed him a spare change of clothes that you had brought along just incase.

Everyone returned to the car that had been cleaned by Liam and Louis.

You wrapped a blanket around Niall and placed a bucket in his lap as he still felt really ill. The rest of the journey went smoothly and soon you arrived at the place that the photoshoot was being held at.

Niall didn't feel up to it so he laid down on the leather sofa whilst the other boys got dressed and Lou did their hair.

The photoshoot seemed to drag on for ages.

Thankfully, that allowed Niall to have a much needed rest.

It was the last event of the day so once the others were ready Paul led you out towards the car.

Of course there was a sea of fans which you would have to get through in order to reach the car. Niall's sickness and his claustrophobia did not mix well.

As soon as you got outside fans trapped you the middle. Niall was extremely pale and starting to sway slightly.

In the end Paul ended up carrying Niall to the car as Preston managed to create a path for the rest of you.


So here is chapter 3!

Only 1 chapter left before I start requested one shots so please leave prompts!

:) xx

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