Lirry (sick Liam)

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Liam woke up around 9 o'clock on a sunny Saturday morning. He rolled over in bed and felt for his husband Harry. He was confused as didn't know where Harry was and usually Liam was up before his husband. It was then that he realised Harry was at the studio catching up with something he had missed.

Liam groaned and rolled over feeling his stomach flip. He was also getting a headache and he could tell it was a bad one.

He buried himself under the covers and not even five minutes later his two children, 8 year old James and 5 year old Lilly, came bounding through the bedroom door.

"Daddy wake up!" They both shouted in unison.

Liam groaned and said "Go downstairs, I'll be there in a minute."

Liam untangled himself from the covers and sat up slowly as not to jerk his upset stomach.

He stood up and slipped a pair of sweatpants on and one of Harry's old Jack Wills hoodies, then made his way downstairs to the kitchen.

He found his two kids sitting at the breakfast bar awaiting his appearance.

"Alright then munchkins, what do you want for breakfast?" Liam asked.

"Poptarts!" Lilly squealed.

"Me too!" Said James just as excited as his sister.

Liam put two poptarts in the toaster and waited until they were done.

He then put one on a plate for both of his children then placed it in front of them.

The smell made him feel incredibly nauseous.

The children munched happily on them whilst Liam decided to make himself a weak tea, thinking his stomach couldn't handle his usual morning coffee.

Once Lilly and James were done they scurried upstairs to get dressed.

Liam leant back against the counter with his eyes closed willing his pounding head to go away.

He didn't know how long he'd been there but he soon felt a tug on his sweatpants.

Liam opened his eyes and looked down at James who was holding a ball.

"Daddy will you play football (soccer) with me?" James asked giving Liam the adorable puppy face.

Liam couldn't say no to that and reluctantly agreed.

The two boys passed the ball between each other before Liam felt his stomach flip, worse than before.

He stopped running and said to James he was getting tired and wanted a drink.

James happily agreed and followed his father into the house.

Liam went to ask Lilly, who was colouring in the play room if she wanted lunch.

She nodded.

Liam prepared ham and cheese sandwiches for his children along with crisps and grapes.

The two children ate happily as Liam slowly sipped a glass of water.

"Daddy can we watch a film?" Lilly asked when she had finished eating.

"Sure sweetheart," Liam replied.

Lilly and James ran to the living room and picked out Toy Story.

Liam saw this as his chance to have a nap.

"Daddy's going to have a nap, call me if you need anything okay?" Liam said to his kids.

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