Zianourry (part 2)

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A couple of days later Liam, Louis, Zayn and Niall were feeling a lot better.

However Harry felt awful.

He had an extremely bad stomachache, fever, headache and his throat was very sore.

The boys were in the living room where Harry was curled up on Zayn's lap, wearing grey sweats.

Zayn rubbed Harry's back as Niall and Louis played FIFA on the Xbox.

"Zayn," Harry said breathing heavily.

"Alright Harry, deep breaths, Li can you grab the bucket," Zayn said taking charge of the situation.

By now, Louis and Niall's game of FIFA had been paused and all of their attention was on the poor sick boy that was curled up on Zayn's lap.

Liam handed the bucket to Zayn who placed it in Harry's lap.

Harry gagged.

"I don't wanna throw up," Harry whimpered.

"Shh we're all here, you're gonna be okay," Louis soothed.

Harry gagged again.

His stomach wouldn't let him relax.

Finally after many uncomfortable minutes, Harry's stomach emptied itself into the bucket.

Vomit poured from his chapped lips.

Zayn moved Harry's curls off of his forehead to check if he had a temperature.

"Ni can you grab the thermometer please," Zayn asked as Harry, who was still vomiting, sat in his lap.

Niall got the thermometer along with a glass of water.

Thankfully Harry had now finished throwing up.

Niall handed him the water which he sipped slowly, careful not to upset his stomach again.

Louis took the thermometer and placed the tip in Harry's ear.

Harry whimpered a bit.

Soon the thermometer beeped - 102.4°F (39.1°C)

His fever wasn't dangerously high but high enough to cause discomfort.

"You done?" Liam asked.

"No," Harry whimpered and soon enough Harry was back leaning over the bucket.

Only water and acid came up, making his throat burn even more than it did already.

Once he was done he slumped back into Zayn's chest.

Zayn ran his hand up and down Harry's bare back.

The boys sat in silence for a few minutes before Harry jumped up on shaky feet and ran to the bathroom.

The boys all looked at each other confused as to why Harry had just sprinted to the bathroom when there was a sick bucket right in front of him.

An idea popped into Niall's head.

"Lads you know when we had the sickness bug," Niall started.

"Yeh," replied Liam, Zayn and Louis in unison.

"Well I had really bad diarrhoea, that's probably what Harry's got," Niall said.

"I'm gonna take him some medicine," said Louis.

Louis went to grab the medicine and water and then made his way over to the bathroom door.

All he could hear was pained groans.

"Haz I've got some medicine, can I come in?" Louis asked.

Harry groaned and said "Door's open."

Louis opened the door to find Harry sat on the toilet clutching his stomach with his pants around his ankles.

Louis handed Harry the medicine and water before leaving him in peace.


About half an hour later Harry walked back into the living room clutching his bare stomach.

Liam was lying across the sofa so Harry decided to lie between his legs.

Harry groaned and shifted uncomfortably.

Liam ran his fingers through Harry's curly locks.

"Ni," Harry whimpered.

"Yeh," replied Niall softly.

"Can you turn the light off please," Harry said squeezing his eyes shut as his migraine got worse.

Niall quickly flicked the light switch and soon the room was dark.

Since Harry hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning Louis thought it would be a good idea to make some soup and see if Harry could hold if down.

The boys all felt bad about waking Harry up but he needed to eat something.

"Haz, c'mon we've made you soup," Liam said.

Harry sleepily sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"No, I'll throw up again," Harry whimpered.

"Will you try please?" Louis asked.

Harry sighed but nodded.

After eating about half of the soup Harry could feel it trying to come back up.

He handed the bowl to Zayn.

"No more, I feel sick," Harry whimpered.

"Do you need the bucket?" Niall asked hoping that Harry would be able to keep the soup down.

Harry nodded.

Almost immediately Harry started throwing up the soup.

Liam whispered soothing words in his ear trying to calm the younger male.

About 20 minutes later, Harry finished puking.

Niall helped Harry up and led him to the bedroom.

Harry laid down and closed his eyes.

"Cuddles," mumbled Harry signalling he wanted Niall to stay.

Niall slipped under the covers, laying behind Harry.

Niall snaked his arm around Harry's waist and rubbed his stomach.

Soon Harry fell asleep with Niall following shortly behind.

When Harry woke up the next morning he was feeling better but not quite 100%.

By the end of the week all of the boys were healthy and continued on with their busy schedule.


So here is a part 2 of the Zianourry, hope you enjoy!

Requests are open!

:) xx

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