Niam (sick Niall)

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It was 6:30pm which meant that Niall had just over half an hour to get ready for his date with his boyfriend Liam.

The two boys hadn't had much time alone together because of the tour so now they finally had an opportunity.

Unfortunately for Niall, he felt awful.

He had a really bad headache, one that makes your stomach hurt as well.

Niall rarely got migraines but when he did they were extremely bad.

He decided to start getting ready since he didn't want to cancel the date even though he felt dreadful.

Firstly, he had a warm shower, hoping it would help his head, then got changed into smart jeans and a shirt.

At 7:15pm the doorbell rang.

As he stood up from the bed everything spun making him sit down again.

He took a couple of deep breaths before going downstairs to answer the door.

Liam greeted him with a warm hug.

Niall buried his face into the crook of Liam's neck closing his eyes and breathing in Liam's comforting smell.

The boys released each other from the hug before getting into Liam's car.

As Liam drove through London, Niall began to feel worse.

He was shivering and the pounding in his skull increased.

After about 15 minutes Liam pulled up at the Italian restaurant the boys would be dining at.

Unfortunately there was already a large group of paparazzi.

Niall thought he was going to loose his stomach.

He quickly put the back of his hand to his mouth as he gagged, thankfully nothing coming up.

Liam slipped his arm around his boyfriend's waist and led him through the crowd to the restaurant.

The smell was overwhelming and made poor Niall feel incredibly nauseous.

The waiter led them to a table by the window overlooking the river.

When the waiter came Niall decided to order a glass of water and spaghetti bolognese hoping maybe eating something would help his migraine.

The food didn't take very long and soon the boys' dinner was placed in front of them.

Niall ate just under half of his spaghetti bolognese before he felt his stomach flip.

He knew he couldn't eat anymore.

Liam had seen Niall stop eating.

"You okay?" Liam asked Niall.

Niall shook his head and let a tear slip.

"What's wrong darling?" Liam asked concerned.

"I don't feel good," whimpered Niall.

"What doesn't feel good baby?" Liam asked trying to establish what was wrong with Niall.

"I've got a migraine and my stomach hurts," Niall mumbled.

Liam immediately called the waiter over and asked for the bill.

He then helped Niall up and led him through the fans and paparazzi to the car.

Liam helped Niall into the passenger seat and then climbed into the driver's seat.

He turned to face his sick boyfriend, rubbing his knee soothingly.

Niall gave Liam a weak smile and Liam saw that it was definitely time to go home.


Not even 5 minutes later the food Niall had eaten was trying to find a way up his throat.

Niall swallowed hard before whimpering.

"Li.." Niall whimpered.

"Yeh baby," Liam answered glancing over at Niall.

"Can you pull over?" Niall asked feeling his dinner about to make an appearance.

Liam frantically looked for somewhere he could stop.

Unfortunately it was too late.

Niall's stomach had already started releasing itself all over the car floor.

By the time Liam stopped the car Niall was finished.

"I'm sorry," Niall said starting to cry.

"Baby it's fine, you couldn't help it," Liam cooed.

Liam decided it would be best to let Niall sit in the back for the rest of the journey.

Thankfully Niall wasn't sick again in the car but at home was a different story.


Liam helped Niall upstairs so he could change into sweatpants.

Then he got the sick boy situated on the couch with a bucket and thermometer making a mental note to check Niall's temperature before going to clean the car.

Once Liam had finished he sat down on the couch pulling Niall into his lap leaving the bucket within reach if he needed it.

Niall buried his face into Liam's neck.

Liam gasped as he felt Niall's boiling forehead against his neck.

"Ni, I need to take your temperature," Liam said as he placed the thermometer in Niall's ear and waited for it to beep.

Liam took it out and read it - 102.9°F (39.4°C).

"Baby you're really warm," Liam whispered running his fingers through Niall's blonde locks.

Niall just whimpered and reached for the bucket.

He started vomiting instantly.

When he had finished Liam lifted Niall off his lap and placed him on the sofa.

Liam went to clean the bucket and grabbed a cool cloth, some pepto bismol and a bottle of Gatorade.

Liam sat back down on the couch placing the cool cloth on Niall's forehead.

Niall swallowed the medication and slowly sipped the Gatorade.

The next two hours Niall spent constantly vomiting.

Niall's temperature had risen to 104.3°F (40.2°C).

"Baby I'm sorry but we need to get you to hospital, you've got a really high temperature," Liam said trying to remain calm.

Liam quickly dashed upstairs getting a hoody for Niall.

The journey to the hospital was awful.

Niall had vomited 3 times, thankfully in the bucket though.

Since it was late at night it didn't take long for a nurse to come and examine Niall.

Turns out he had worked too hard recently and was extremely dehydrated.

The doctors gave Niall some medicine to reduce his temperature and hooked him up to a drip to ensure he received the right amount of fluids.

Niall spent 2 days in hospital before being discharged, Liam never leaving his side.


So this was requested by S28667 so thank you very much!

I have another request to write which will probably be up within a couple of days.

Please continue to send prompts and requests.

:) xx

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