Chapter 12

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Lauren's POV

   After I said goodbye to John I went back to the room. I didn't see Andy anywhere and figured he will be back eventually. I sat down and thought back to the conversation I just had. John was a great and understanding person to give me time. Now that I think about it the age gap isn't as bad as I first thought. I could have been paired with a 30 year old but I wasn't.

   I looked at my phone I got back from the computer whiz Hayley. She hacked it and made it safe to use and have without it tracking me. I saw I had 30 missed calls and 24 messages. As I looked through it I saw some was from my mom, dad and most of them from Tommy.

   God Tommy how could I forget about him and the way I just left him at the dance with no explanation. I debated if I should call him, but knew I needed to break it off with him the right way. The phone rang a couple of times before he finally answered.

   "Hello Lauren please tell me it's you and your alive," I heard him say.

   "Tommy it's me, I'm fine and I'm at a completely safe place."

   "Where is this place and I just need to see you myself to make sure you're alright."

   "Tommy that's not possible, we can't see each other again for my safety and yours."

   "Lauren I don't care if your brother and you are mutants, I just need to have you in my life."

   "You don't understand I'm a wanted mutant fugitive and I can be thrown in prison."

   "Than I will come to you, I'll leave everything behind just ask me too."

   "I want to, but it's for the best that we end what we had," I said to him with tears pouring down my face.

   "Lauren don't do this to me please...I love you," I heard him say before breaking down over the phone.

   He loves me he really loves me, I thought to myself. I can't believe he just told me this, it will be harder on the both of us now. The sad thing was I couldn't say I loved him back. I wasn't there yet with him but apparently he already fell in love with me. I wouldn't tell him about John because that will only break him more and me as well.

   "Tommy I'm sorry but this is goodbye, live a normal and easy life without me making it complicated for you."

   I got no response just crying over the phone. I hung up and laid down silently crying my eyes out. I did it now I can start healing and in the future give John and me a chance at happiness. I was slowly crying myself to sleep when I felt the whole place start to shake. I jumped out of bed thinking its an earthquake but remembered we weren't on a fault line

   "Andy," I whispered before running out the door in search for him.

   As I got to the stairs the shaking stopped and I knew from no explosion he didn't destroy anything. I was afraid something happened to him so I rushed downstairs and bumped into someone. We both fell with me on top and the person on the bottom. I opened my eyes and saw a cute Asian kid under me.

   "I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," I said getting off of him.

   "It's fine not everyday I get knocked off my feet by a beautiful girl."

   "I'm Lauren and once again I'm sorry."

   "Don't be sorry because I'm not my name is Nico."

   "Well bye Nico maybe I'll see you around."

   He smiled but before he could tell me anything I quickly left. I needed to get to Andy to make sure he was okay. I didn't know where he was so I wandered the whole building for 10 minutes before I found him. He was sitting on a couch with a pretty girl leaning into him. Wow good catch Andy I thought to myself before walking up to them.

   I noticed how the girl looked at me with slanted eyes and it almost made me stop in my tracks. I continued though until I was standing in front of them both and just stared. Andy had his eyes closed with a silly smile on his face while the girl was staring me down. I noticed the busted lip and bruised nose on his face.

   "What the hell happened? who did this to you?" I asked Andy bending down slightly getting a look at his busted face.

   "Some jerk but it's fine I handled it, besides I took the hit for Skylar."

   I looked at the person my brother mentioned and she looked down at her feet with a guilty look. I wondered what the story was but decided to leave it alone and grill my little  brother about it later.

   "Hello my name is Lauren I'm Andy's sister," I told her holding my hand out for her to shake.

   She looked up and her face changed to one of recognition. She wasn't looking at me like she was before, this time she seemed happy and excited.

   "Hey Lauren my name is Skylar and I'm your brothers future girlfriend."

   I was speechless after what she just told me. I looked from her to Andy waiting for an explanation. We haven't been here a whole day and already he was getting a girlfriend. Andy quickly told me about what happened and how he found out Skylar was his soul mate.

   I asked to see their wrist and they gladly showed me. I saw how their words were now in gold instead of black. I knew they accepted each other even though they were waiting to get to know each other before doing anything. I was happy for them and I let them both know it. It was going great until I saw Andy look at me with a worry glance.

   "Lauren why have you been crying," I heard him ask.

   "What do you mean."

   "Your red eyes and puffy cheeks tell me."

   I got quite and was reminded about what happened awhile ago. Andy noticed and told Skylar he'll see her tomorrow. Skylar understood it was a private conversation between siblings and left after saying goodbye. He pulled me up from the ground I was sitting on and we both walked back to our room.

   When we were alone I broke down in Andy's arms telling him about how I broke up with Tommy officially. He held me as I just cried wetting his shirt. When I calmed down he held my hand to give me more comfort. I saw his eyes widen when he saw my bronze mark.

   I knew without him asking he wanted to know the story. I told him about John being my soul mate, and why it was the color it was instead of gold like his. I think he understood because he hugged me tighter making me feel a bit better. I was getting sleepy again so I pulled away from Andy and laid in my bed covering myself with blankets. He got the message because he did the same. We bid one another goodnight and fell asleep.

Another done I hope you liked it. I know it's slow but I hope you stay with it.

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