Chapter 27

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John's POV

After that whole incident between Andy's and Lauren's parents we all went outside. Sonia was erasing the memories and soon they won't know who they were. I thought back to how Lauren broke down and cried her heart out. I felt her sorrow, pain, fear and love. I held her hoping to calm her racing heart I felt through my body. It broke me seeing her look broken and not being able to do anything but hold her.

Andy had a few tears come down but I just noticed the anger and sadness on his face. It seemed Skylar was being held by him to make sure he didn't release his destructive power. I brought my mind back into the present after Clarice spoke up.

"So what now?"

"Now I think we should get our minds off of what happened," I replied.

"How do we do that?" Lauren asked me in a quiet voice.

"By telling you that today were going to see your grandpa and take Clarice to see her foster family."

"Really!" I heard all of them say at the same time.

"Yes, the reason is he would trust more easily if he gets to meet his grandkids for the first time."

"That makes sense I can't wait to see my old home."

"I'm Glad were all going but we're splitting up to cover more ground."

"What do you mean?" Andy Asked.

"I promised Clarice so I'm going to take her to her home she grew up in with Darya for safety."

"And us?" Skylar asked.

"Andy, Lauren, and Skylar your going to go with Marcos and Lorna to see your grandfather."

"Wow so this going to happen," Lauren said to me."

"We'll meet up with you guys here after getting supplies from a hospital staff."

"Great so when do we leave?" Andy asked.

"In 10 minutes so use the bathroom, eat a snack and get ready to leave," I heard Marcos say behind me.

We all turned around to see Marcos and Lorna in the entrance doorway. They must have finished I thought by how long they are giving us to get ready.

"By the time we leave Sonia and a few others are going to drop off the Reeds at the nearest town," Lorna spoke.

"So hurry up," Marcos said last.

We all got up and I face Lauren towards me. She looked up and I gave her a quick peck on her lips before I lost then confidence to do it. It shocked her but I went inside quickly to give her time to think about what I did. I got to my room and sat on the bed afraid I did something Lauren didn't want yet. I was restless until I felt her send her feeling into my body. I felt her love, care and no regret or rejection for what he did. Intact it seemed she wants it to happen again.

I sent her my feeling back and got up to get ready for a trip with Clarice. It took all of 5 minutes and I saw Clarice waiting by the car to go. I looked around and the other car missing so I guessed they left already. I got into the drivers seat and took off with Clarice giving me directions.

Clarice's POV

I was so excited because I was going to go to my 1st home. I got my phone, wallet, and jacket before taking off back outside. I saw Andy and Laura get in the van and take off to their destination. I waited by the car for John who took forever. When I finally saw him I jumped in the passenger seat and waited for him. We were finally driving and I was giving him directions I finally remembered.

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