Chapter 19

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John's POV

   It has been 1 week since the incident with Clarice and she hasn't woken up once. I knew her body need the rest to heal but I hoped she woke up soon so I know she's getting better. I was sitting in my room thinking about what happened after everything.

   We got double the people now and we barely have enough space to fit everybody. Marcos, Lorna, Tom and I got together to discuss about how to get more supplies to feed all the people. Tom agreed to contact his suppliers and have them meet at the spot where we get our supplies. Tom had better medical supplies, because some of his people have severe medical conditions.

   My mind than went to Lauren and how we have been spending a lot of time together since that day. She was more open and liked to joke around a lot. I also got to know Andy and his mate Skylar since they were almost always together. 3 more weeks and I can be in an official relationship with Lauren and it being legal.

   I was just relaxing when I heard a knock on my door. I got up to answer it only to see Sonia on the other side. We haven't spoken since I told her about Lauren but I wasn't going to let this opportunity go.

   "Sonia why don't you come in and we can talk."

   "Not right now, John Clarice just woke up and she has all her memories back."

   "That great news how did you find out so fast."

   "I was sitting next to her in her bed when she woke up all crazy. She's calmed down some, but she wanted to talk to you right away."

   "Thanks for letting me know I'll head over there now."

    Sonia left after relaying the message and I hurried to Clarice's room. I speed walked the whole way there and knocked on her door first before entering. When she gave the okay I went in and saw her sitting up in bed lost in thought.

   "Clarice I'm happy to see your okay, how are you feeling?"

   "Like I just woke up from 1 night of sleep but it has been a week."

   "You needed to rest so your body could heal properly."

   "Yea I tried using my powers but I'm not able to use them."

   "We can ask Darya maybe she knows something. What did you want to talk to me about?"

   "I wanted to talk to you about what happened with James, I know where he is."

   "I'm not gonna push you, but whenever you want to start I'll be ready."

   "I'm telling you now so listen okay."

Clarice's POV

   I was getting ready to tell John what I knew, and I hoped he wouldn't react too hard about what I'm going to be telling him. I got my memories back in a dream like haze. I was shocked I was knocked out for a week, but I was even more surprised my powers didn't work. I usually liked to open small portals to pass time, but I couldn't even do that.

   Sonia told me not to push too hard, but I wanted to get to James who I now knew was in trouble. John sat down on a chair and waited patiently for me to begin.

   I told him how I found James knocked out on a path in the woods near my foster home. I thought he was dead so I checked his pulse but he caught my wrist right away and it scared me. He didn't let go but he sat up and managed to stare at me. I tried pulling away but his grip was strong and firm, he didn't hurt me once.

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