Chapter 23

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Andy's POV

   After having breakfast with Lauren I left to meet up with Skylar. Skylar is amazing and I'm glad we are together. She has been helping me along with Lauren to control my power. I still destroy things I don't mean too, but Lauren helps me by using her power.

   One day we all were outside and I was trying to focus my power on one object. No matter how hard I tried I knew if I kept going I'll destroy the small area. Lauren has always been the smart one so she asked to to do it again to the lamp post. I wasn't sure what she was going with this but I did what she asked. I released my power and I saw her make a shield around my force. It was like she honed in my power and helped it only destroy that one object.

   I brought my mind back to the present when I saw her waiting for me in the library. She looked as beautiful as she did yesterday and I couldn't wait to have her in my arms. I sat down next to her putting my arm around her shoulders and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. She smiled at me and slowly kissed me back.

   "Morning Andy, how are you feeling about yesterday?"

   "I talked about it with Lauren and I'm at peace with it for now."

   "That's good I just don't want you stressed or worried about anything."

   "I'll always be worried especially with you."

   "I'll be fine because I'll have you with me and I can protect myself."

   "I know but as your boyfriend I want to take care of you."

   "That is so sweet I'm lucky to have you."

   "What do you want to do today Skylar?"

   "Well I was thinking it would be fun to share stories about us growing up."

   "Oh man there's so many embarrassing things I did as a kid."

   "Well your going to tell me and I'll share mine so it's even."

   "That sounds fair okay you start first."

   So we talked and shared stories about ourselves for the longest of time. We both were laughing hard and having a good time with one another. Ever since I met her and found out she was my soul mate I felt complete. I even told her what John told me about being able to feel the others emotion. We haven't tried it yet but I want to do it very soon.

   My day was going great until Lorna called me to talk with her in private outside. I thought maybe I was in trouble or Lauren was because of the look on her face. When we were out of the building she told me the news about my parents. I didn't know Lauren left at all because she didn't tell me she was leaving.

   When I heard what they did I felt hurt and my heart breaking. Than I felt anger so much anger because my parents were the ones to blow the secret hideouts. My power was being released and I was trying to pull it in but I couldn't stop it. Lorna was shouting my name telling me to stop but I wasn't able too. I felt so much anger burst out of me and I only thought I had Lauren or Skylar with me. I felt a cool hand grand my arm and I turned to see Skylar.

   "Andy stop and calm down please I'm right here."

   "I can't I'm trying but I'm not able too think about anything only feel."

   When I thought I was finally going to let go Skylar jumped into my arms and kissed me on the lips. I somehow felt her love and concern for me flow through my body. I used her emotions to influence mine to feel the same way. It worked because I was calmed and my power stopped being out of control.

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