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I turn off my annoying alarm and get out of my cozy bed. I start off by putting on some nerdy clothes on.
Yes. I only have nerdy clothes because I hate looking all pretty and hot and all that other crap.
I put on my backpack and get ready for a new year in school.
Not really looking forward to it.
As I walk to school my friend, Jennie comes over to walk with me.
Jennie:" Yah! Nice to see you again. I'm so excited for school today!!"
Y/N:" Why?"
Jennie:" C'mon! The cutest and hottest boys are going to be there!!"
Wow. I'm not surprised. Typical.
We get to school. We go to the office to get our schedules. Lucky for us, we have five classes in a row together throughout the whole day.
We have our first one together. I get my things and start heading out to the classroom. Jennie catches up.
Jennie:" OMG!! Y/N LOOK!! HES SO HOT!" - She points in that direction. I look. I see a bunch of girls crowding a boy and his group of friends.
Talk about fangirling too much.
Jennie joins the crowd.
Y/N:" JENNIE!!!"- I tell at her.
She doesn't respond. She's too hooked up on them.
Whatever. I'll just leave her there. See if I care.
I start to walk to the classroom.

A/N: Hiii~ This is my first fanfiction I'm writing so please don't judge. Love y'all!!😘

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