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We all wake up at 1:54 pm. I get our of V's grasp and yawn. I rub my eyes.

We eat breakfast.

Jennie:" Hey Y/N, could we perhaps go shopping today?"

Y/N:" If the boys want to go too."

They all nod. Jennie smiles.

(At the mall)

We go to a store. I look at clothes. J-Hope and V look with me. Jungkook, and Suga are at the men section, and Jennie, Jin, RM, and Jimin help find baby toys for her little baby sister.

J-Hope holds up a shirt in front of V.

J-Hope:" Hey, V!! You could give this to your sister!"

V freezes.

Y/N:" Sister?"

J-Hope:" Oops. I'm sorry V."

Y/N:" V has a sister?"

V looks sadly at the white tiled floor.

V:" Y-yes. I have a younger sister."

Y/N:" How old?"

V:" 18."

V's fist clenches.

J-Hope:" Calm down V. It's alright. Just take deep breaths."

V faints.

Y/N:" V!"

J-Hope and I catch him.

Y/N:" Wake up, V!! Please, wake up!! Snap out of it!! V!!"

I start to cry.

J-Hope:" I'll get the others. Stay here with V. Dont move. "

I sob. I caress V's cheek.

Y/N:" Please, wake up."

The others all rush and run iver here.

Suga:" What the hell happened?!?!?"

J-Hope:" I accidently takes about his sister. Then, he fainted."

Suga sighs angrily.

Suga:" Well, no shit. C'mon!! Let's all go back to Y/N's house."

We all nod. Jungkook carries V to the car.

Y/N:" Are you sure you can carry him?"

Jungkook:" Yeah. I've held Suga before."

I look at him, surprised.

We get in the car, and drive back to my house.

(At Y/N's house)

Jungkook sets V on the couch. Jennie makes soup for V for when he wakes up.

I hold his hand, tears streaming down my cheeks. He sweats.

Y/N:" Please, wake up."

I kiss him on the cheek.

V sleep talks.

V:" Please forgive me for my sin."

Is It Really Love? | V/Kim Taehyung ff | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now