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We watch a movie. It was a horror movie. I hate horror movies, but I try to stay brave. I jump from the jump scares the movie had. The members all laugh.

J-Hope:" Oh, Y/N, it's just a scary movie! It isn't real!"

He laughs at my face.

Y/N:" Hey!"

I punch him on the arm.

J-Hope:" Hey, it's not my fault! I'm not the one who's scared!!"

Y/N:" So?!"

We stick our tongues out at each other. We watch the rest if the movie.

It starts to be late. They head back to the basement to go back to sleep(their still at Y/N's house).

I tug on V's shirt.

Y/N:" V."

V turns around.

V:" Yeah?"

Y/N:" Could I......sleep on top of your chest  for tonight?"

His face turns red.


I feel my face turns red.

Was she that scared that she wants to sleep on top of me?!?!

I hesitate for a while.

V:" S-sure."

Y/N:" Thank you V."

We head downstairs.

As Y/N turns off the light. She lays beside me and sleeps on my chest.

I lay flat while I try to sleep. So many thoughts were in my head.

Her leg starts to go over my body down over there.

Oh God. She wouldn't be too happy if (*that) was on her.

I try to move. Her hand clenches on my shirt.


Part of me wanted to do (*that) while another told me not to.

I am a devil. Dammit, what can I do?!?!?!

I try to move again. She let's go.


I turn my back towards her. But then there was another problem. She hugged me from the back.

Her body was super close to mine, I didn't know what to do. I panick.

Holy shiteu. What the fuck can I do?!?!?!?!

I try to just laugh it off in my head, trying to go back to sleep.

It's going to be a loooong night........

Is It Really Love? | V/Kim Taehyung ff | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now