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J-Hope:" Whoa. Why kidnap her? That's illegal, you know."

V:" Well, it's not really kidnapping. I want you guys to dress her up and bring her to a fancy restaurant, where I'll be. Then, I'll do the rest from there."

J-Hope:" Alright, I'll go text the others."

I smile.

V:" Thanks hyung. You guys are the best."


I hear a knock as at my door. I open it. It was Yoongi.

Y/N:" Hey, Yoongi."

Suga:" Don't call me Yoongi. Call me Suga. Anyway, let's go shopping."

Y/N:" Why?"

He grabs my wrist and takes me into his car.

Y/N:" Why are you doing this??"

Suga:" You'll know soon enough."

We drive to the mall.

(4 hours later)
We finally leave the mall. I'm now in a fancy dress with make up on, and high heels. We stop at a fancy restaurant.

Suga:" Let's go."

I follow him. We go in a private room.

Hmm. How weird for a fancy restaurant. I guess they have private rooms to eat too?

Suga opens the door.

I get in the little room.

He closes it without getting in.


I walk. I see a table covered in cloth, two plates filled with food, a vase with flowers in the middle, two candles beside it, and two chairs.

I sit down.

I see a figure in the distance. I squint my eyes to see who it is.

Kim Taehyung...

He calmly walks over and sits on the opposite side of me.

He starts eating. I follow.

When we're done eating he hand me a paper that was folded in half. I open it.

It was a drawing.

Of me.......

He drew me perfectly, even my smile was perfect.

How could he draw something so fast?

I smile at him. He smiles back.

On the bottom of the drawing it says........

" I love you, Y/N."

Is It Really Love? | V/Kim Taehyung ff | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now