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After we all got out of the hospital, Jin got an idea to have a picnic. It was really nice out.

We go home, and grab the right picnic things we need. We meet by the beach.

Jin:" So, did you guys also bring swimsuits? We're going to have a beach picnic!!"

J-Hope:" AWESOME!!"

He grabs an inflated donut, and goes to the beach. We follow.

J-Hope goes in the water, putting down his inflated donut. He relaxs.

Y/N:" J-Hope!"

He looks at me.

J-Hope:" Yeah?"

Y/N:" Did......Suga always........like me?"

I only asked J-Hope this because he was the closest to Suga.

J-Hope:" Yeah, he did. It's just that he was to nervous to confess. He wanted to wait until the right moment, but it was too late."

Y/N:" Oh. I never knew..."

I look down in the floor.

J-Hope pulls me into the water.


Thank God I had my swimsuit on.

J-Hope laughs his butt off. I take his arm, and pull him in the water.

J-Hope:" YAH!!"

I start to laugh like crazy. J-Hope and I get out of the water, and dry ourselves.

I go behind a tree, so I can change back to my regular clothes. When I was done, I went back.

I accidentally bump into someone. They drop their supplies.

Y/N:" I'm so sorry!"

I pick up his things. I look at him.

It was Yoongi....

Y/N:" S-Suga??"

He signals me to be quiet.

I hug him tight.

Y/N:" Please come back. It feels emoty without you here."

I whisper. He hugs me back.

Suga:" I'll come back when I'm ready."

He sadly smiles. I hug him tighter.

Y/N:" No!! I forgive you! Don't you know that!?! I don't care about myself, all I care about is you and the other members."

A tear comes out of Suga's eye. I wipe it away.

Y/N:" Please. Come back. We need you. All of us."

Suga hesitates for a while.

Suga:" A-alright.."

I kiss him on the cheek.

Y/N:" Thank you."

I smile. He blushes.

We head back.

Is It Really Love? | V/Kim Taehyung ff | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now