YeonJi the Bunnyrabbit

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When we get home we set things up for YeonJi. YeonJi watches our every move, just watching. Once we set everything up, I picked up little YeonJi. She looked directly in my eyes. She had the same eyes as V's. It felt like as if she was right here, with us.

Y/N:" Hello, YeonJi, it's time to out you in your cage."

I smile.

I put YeonJi in her cage. She still looks at me, as if she needs something.

Y/N:" You want some food YeonJi?"

I give her baby carrots. She nibbles on them. One baby carrot at a time.

V comes over. YeonJi instantly looks at him.

V:" Hey little YeonJi. How do you like it here?"

YeonJi still looks at him.

V opens the cage and holds her up. She still looks at him in the eye.

V smiles. I smile also.

Y/N:" We should take her to the backyard."

V nods. We take YeonJi outside in the backyard of my house. We let her roam around.

V:" I miss you very much YeonJi."

Y/N:" I wish I could meet her in person. How as she like?"

V:" She was a quiet person, to be honest. She only spoke to the people she trusted, and liked as a friend. You and YeonJi would've been really good friends. You remind me of her."

I nod, not knowing what to say.

V:" She always wanted to go to places. She loved traveling. I wanted to take her somewhere to relax, but that opportunity is gone."

I look sadly at the grass.

YoenJi starts to bite at something. I look at her.

She pulls out something. The figure of it looked familiar somehow. I walk to YeonJi.

Y/N:" What do you have there, YeonJi?"

I take it out of her mouth.

It was a bracelet. It had gold and silver on it. I traced the sliver lines on the thick gold. It was heavy.

Y/N:" Hey, V? What's this? Its a bracelet, but I don't know what it is."

V walks over.

V holds it in his hands.

V:" It says Kim YeonJi."

Hello. Im bored so, I decided to write another chapter. See you in the next chapter!

Is It Really Love? | V/Kim Taehyung ff | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now