A Forgotten Memory

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I wake up.

Hm. It looks like I'm in a white space. Oh well, might as well walk around for a bit.

I walk randomly for a while, not knowing if I been doing this for minutes or even hours. I see someone in the distance.

I run.

I run and run, trying to see who that is. As I slow down, enough that I could see the person, I stop.

It was V.

He grins, but his eyes looked sad. I try to hug him, but he passes straight through me.

I look at him.

Before I could even say a word, he speaks.

V:" Never get caught in someone else's dream."

He points towards something. I look to where he's pointing.

It was my memories.

V:" Go. I'll see you in a while."

I turn. He smiles at me.

V:" Go. Just follow your path. Even if you live for a day. There's no need to rush. Just run."

I nod.

I start running.

My mind is blank. I don't know what to do. But I remember what V said.

Just follow your path........

I follow what my gut says. I turn through sad, happy, scary, and many other kinds of memories.

I want stop running, to catch my breath, but I keep running. My throat burns and my heart beats fast, but I keep going.

Something blocks me. I look at it. I look around it. I see V.

V:" Touch it. You'll receive a memory you forgot about ever since you we were in elementary school."

Y/N:" We?"

V nods.

I touch it.

My body disappears, like I've been sucked away. But no. It was like a theater. So I watched.

8 yrs ago

Me and V play on the playground after a long food fight at lunch. Me and V go on the swings, just talking to each other without swinging.

V:" So, how's your mom doing?"

Y/N:" S-she.......passed away...."

I start to cry. I cover my face, embarrassed that I was crying in front of my friend, but also my secret crush.

V:" Hey, don't cry. I know, it's rough, but we got to be together, and fight for our loved ones."

I look at him.

Y/N:" What do you mean?"

V grins.

V:" I'm saying that, even if we're in scars, we can laugh and be happy as long as we're together. I lost my dad, remember? He died from a carcrash when he was going to see me. I was only a newborn that day."

I stop crying. I wipe away my tears.

Y/N:" So you're saying that......"

V smiles.

V:" Yes. I'm saying that we should be, you know, more than best friends forever."

I blush, a very red coming to my cheeks.

Y/N:" But we're only in fifth grade!! We can't be boyfriend and girlfriend."

V:" I know. But in the future, we can be. Promise?"

I hesitate.

Y/N:" Promise."

We pinkie sweared. Then, the recess bell rang. We ran to the recess line.

(End of Flashback)

I turn back to reality, shocked to see what me and V used to be.

We used to be friends.
Best friends.

V:" Now, do you get why I apologised for calling you a nerd?"

I nod, too shocked to understand.
Y/N:" But what happened between the two of us?"

V stares at the ground. After an awkward silence, he speaks up.

V:" We got into a fight. I had a crush on someone, and I asked them out. We were only in middle school at that time, in eighth grade. We went to my old house, and you came to since I asked you out for a dinner at my house. You just sat there for hours, while me and the girl just talked in my bedroom. When I came back, you got mad. Then we kind of split after that. I still remember you."

I look at the floor, tears at the corners of my eyes.

V:" How did you forget me Y/N-ah? I still remember you all this time, but yet you haven't. Why?"

I hesitated. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I confessed.

Y/N:" Okay. I forgot you because you left me heartbroken. I hated you. I still remembered our pinkie promise, and i thought you tore it all apart. But I realized, it was me. I wanted to get revenge on you because you had a crush on that girl. Also because that I hated you for one simple, tiny thing. I'm such a bitch."

I start to cry. He hold me in his arms.

V:" You are not!! You just have to believe and love yourself. If I love myself, you should love yourself."

I clutch on his white shirt.

Y/N:" But I've done.so many horrible things.......what can I do?"

He pulls back away from me. He puts his hand on my back, pulls me close to him, and kisses me.

We pull back.

V:" I love you Y/N. As long as we're together, I'll be happy."

Y/N:"Me too."

We kiss.

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