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Hello!! All I'm gonna say is........ prepare yourself.

I walk back to the lunch table, too embarrassed about what happened earlier. I even saw people take photos of us.

How can I face people now with a picture like that!!

I sit down onto the table. Jimin looks toward me.

Jimin:" You okay Y/N? You look red. Really red."

Dammit Y/N!! Say something!!

Y/N:" Nothing, just.....sleepy."

I couldn't think what else to say.

(After school)
Me and Jimin walk to our houses.

Jimin:" Hey, I'm going to be at a party at a house, and I need someone to come with me. Wanna come? My hyungs don't want to go. Well, Taehyung is, but he likes to go alone. You want to go? You don't need to, if you want."

I think for a moment. Staying up late won't hurt a bit.

Y/N:" Sure, I could use a night out."

Jimin smiles.

Jimin:" Alright then. See you at 9:00 then."

(3 hours later)
I get done putting on my makeup and dress. I put on my heels.
It was 8:54.
I text Jimin.

Y/N: Ok. I'm ready.

Jimin: Great!! We'll go in my car. The party is kind of far, so it might be at least 25 minutes or so.

Y/N: Oh. K

I put my phone in my purse, and get out of the house. A breeze glides through my skin, swinging my hair to the left.
I get in Jimin's car, and we head off.

(25 minutes later)
We walk into the party.
No. Not party. A club.

I give Jimin an are-you-insane look.

Y/N:" I thought you said it was a house!!"

Jimin:" Did I say that? Well, if I did, I meant club."

I give Jimin a glare.

Jimin:" What?? I told Jennie to come over too, so she'll also be here. Loosen up Y/N!! You need it."

I angrily sigh.

I see Jennie by the bartender.

Jennie:" Y/N!! Glad to see you. Why are you here?? I thought you hated clubs."

Y/N:" Jimin."

Jennie:" Oh...well, here!! Take a drink!! Let's be drunken friends forever!!"

I give her an insane look. I drink it a down by chugging.

Jennie:" There you go, Y/N!! Let's drink some more!!"

We drink at least 3-4 cups of alcohol. I feel it burning my throat, but I don't care.

Jennie takes me to the dance floor. I just let my body move with the motion. Just dancing and dancing and not thinking.
I feel someone grab my waist. I turn around.

V:" Hey, Y/N. somewhere alone??"

Y/N:" Sure."

What the hell was I saying!!! Snap out of it Y/N!! Wake up!!!

I don't listen to my mind. I just go with my motions. Teahyung and I go into a bedroom.

He sits on the bed.

V:" Come here, babygirl."
He smirks in a way that makes me chuckle.

Whoa!! Alert!! Alert!!! Snap out of it Y/N!!!! DAMMIT Y/N, FUCKING SNAP OUT OF IT!!

I still don't listen to my mind, and go with the motions again.

V kisses me hungrily and roughly, pulling my hair to deepen the kiss. I sloppily kiss back, too drunk to care.

V:" Oh, you're one naughty girl, aren't you??"

He roughly kisses me again. He unbottons the back of my dress, making my bra exposed in from of him. He traces the bra line.

V:" Dammit Y/N, I wanna fuck you so badly."

He starts to suck on my neck, leaving hickeys all over my neck. He moves downward to my chest.


I don't listen. The pleasure rises up as he starts to go down to my stomach. I moan.

V:" Babygirl."

Y/N:" Yeah?"

V:" We can continue this another day alright? See you at school."

He winks.

I button back my dress. Jimin and I go into the car and go home.

This was kinda a long chapter for me. Hopefully you didn't die 😂. Well, see you in the next chapter!! Luv ya💜✌

Is It Really Love? | V/Kim Taehyung ff | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now