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I wake up.

I'm in hospital clothing.

Ow. My head.

I massage my head. I hiss from the pain. I look around.

The whole group is here.
But where's Suga?

I see V. He was slouching in his chair.

Y/N:" Guys!! I'm awake!!"

They jolt up. V was the first to spot me.

V:" Y/N!! You're finally awake!!"

He hugs me. Then, all the members hug me.

Y/N:" V? I have to ask something."

V pulls back from the hug.

V:" What is it?"

Y/N:" W-where's Suga?"

V's face starts to turn sad. Soon all the members faces were filled with sadness.

Jin:" He......."

RM:" Left the group. He couldn't stand that he hurt you. He felt so much regret."

Jungkook:" We tried to convince him to stay, but he just left."

Jungkook starts to cry. J-Hope starts to comfort him.

I couldn't stand it. He left.

A tear comes out of my eye. I wanted to know about him more.
Jimin:" Here. He told me to give this to you."

He hands me a piece of paper.
I open it.

Dear Y/N,
I'm sorry if I left the group. I couldn't stand that I hurt you. It's all my fault. Hopefully we can find each other again Y/N. For now, let's all spread out our wings and fly.
- Suga

Tell all the members that I might come back to the group one day. And that we should all follow our dreams first.

I cry. V comforts me.

V:" What did it say?"

Y/N:" H-he told me that he might come back to the group. Also, that we should keep following our dreams."

All the members start to cry. They group hug.

V:" Let's all get out of the hospital."

Just did this in school omg 😂 I'm not even allowed to have  my phone out.😂😂

Is It Really Love? | V/Kim Taehyung ff | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now