Feuneral and a pet named YeonJi

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I start to cry.

No. This can't be.

V:" Why......."

I drop down to my knees, sobbing.

Y/N tries to comfort me.

Y/N:" I'm so sorry V...."

She starts to cry. Soon all the members start to cry.

Jennie:" Dammit......now I won't get to meet her."

Suga:" She was a nice person."

J-Hope:" She always made me laugh..."

Jungkook:" I can't believe she died.............."

(A month later)


We go to YeonJi's feuneral. We start driving to the grave.

We see YeonJi's coffen get burried. We all cry, wiping our tears with tissue.

After her burrial, we go back home.

V:" I still can't believe it............my only sister...."

Y/N:" I know how it feels, V. My older brother died by getting shot by a stranger in a store."

V:" I remember. You told me. It was when we were in elementary school. Your mom died, then your older brother afterwards."

I look at him.

Y/N:" How do you....."

V:" Yeah. I remember."

Jennie:" My mom and dad had died last year, only me and my baby sister together now."

We all nod.

J-Hope:" We should all cheer up. Hey, how about we get a pet and name it YeonJi, so we can always remember her?"

V:" That's seems like a good idea hyung. Let's go."

We go to a pet store. We look for a pet.

I spot a black bunny with black eyes. I sink into the bunny rabbits black eyes.

Y/N:" V, let's get this bunny rabbit."

V looks toward it.

V:" It's pretty cute. Yeah, we'll get it."

We adopt the pet and head back home.

J-Hope plays with the bunny in the cage.

J-Hope:" Hey, little YeonJi. You're going to love your new home in paradise."

I smile.

Hi guys!! I chose a black bunny rabbit because: 1.) I want a black bunny rabbit 2.) It was based off a FF called: Honey Bunny by: pocketbangtan
(Follow her if you want!) 3.) I love bunnies.
See you in the next chapter!!

Is It Really Love? | V/Kim Taehyung ff | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now