Kim Teahyung

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I start rushing to class as the bell rang. Luckily, the teacher wasn't in the room. Someone bumps me in the doorway, trying to run from a herd of girls.
Y/N:" YAH!! Watch it!"
??: " Uh oh, well I'm sorry, you little nerd."
What did he just say?!
Y/N:" Excuse me? You're the one who bumped into me, so you're the dork who pushed me."- I turned around.
Damn. He was hot.
He has blonde, long-ish hair. He had three ear piercings on each of his ears, and he was wearing a white buttoned shirt with light blue pants on.
Damn. He's stylish.
I roll my eyes and move towards my seat. As I do, the teacher comes in.
Teacher:" Hello class, it's nice to see you again this year! I hope you get good grades in tests and exams."
Yeah right.
After class Jennie comes over by me by our lockers.
Jennie:" Do you know who you just argued with earlier before class started?"
Y/N:" NOPE!!"
Jennie:" OMG he was the one I pointed to earlier before class! He's soooo handsome and very stylish."
I give her the ' does-it-look-like-I-care' look. She looks flushed.
Jennie:" Well, also his name is Kim Taehyung FYI."
I roll my eyes.
Hmmm. So your name is Kim Taehyung. Hopefully your ready to die.

A/N: Hi again!! Please comment on what you think about this so far! Have hope!💜

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